  • Harold (edited 8 years ago)

    Are you this twat?

    If so please return what was stolen.

    Also it flew from Doncaster two weeks ago.

    • Cobbydaler

      No, they were spares I received for donating to keep it flying!

      • Harold

        Good on you! Were you at take off two weeks ago? Blood and ashes that plane is loud.

        • Cobbydaler

          No, I live in the US now. But I've seen her many times at displays around the country and in her hangar.

    • drunkenninja

      A control column has been taken from the last remaining flying Vulcan’s base at Robin Hood Airport - and the group which looks after the iconic aircraft are appealing for help in getting the joystick back - before calling in the police.

      Heh, he mentioned bearings and not a joystick :D