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8 years ago+45 45 0Prepare for possible influx of users.
There is some major reddit drama going on, which like always, means people will migrate. The people who will probably be jumping ship the most are low-effort /r/the_donald posters, so we should make it clear to any new users what this site is about (content and effort wise).
8 years ago+18 18 0Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Done With Its Theatrical Run, and the Box Office Results Are Huge
Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ home release took place months ago, but apparently, the movie just finished its theatrical run this week. That’s nearly six months following its debut back in December last year. It’s a huge deal considering most films ...
8 years ago+22 22 0Only 1 in 10 Android devices runs 6.0 Marshmallow
Google's latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow release is finally on over 10 percent of Android devices.
8 years ago+16 16 0Should you buy an HTC Vive right now?
The HTC Vive is now officially the first high-end virtual reality headset that you can buy like a normal tech product, instead of preordering and then waiting a month or two. HTC is promising that...
Current Event
8 years ago+21 21 0Chinese Fighter Jet Closes In On U.S. Aircraft At 'Unsafe Excessive Speed' In East China Sea
A Chinese fighter jet carried out an “unsafe” intercept of a U.S. military aircraft, an Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance plane, on routine patrol on Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea, U.S. Pacific Command said in a statement. T ...
8 years ago+42 42 0 x 1Google's Project Ara Isn't The Revolutionary Smartphone We're Expecting
Project Ara isn’t the modular dream it’s touted to be according to Dave Hakkens, creator of the Phonebloks concept. On his blog, Hakkens explains where Ara falls down as a ‘modular’ phone. His main criticism is that it’s not actually properly modular ...
8 years ago+21 21 0Are you an independent voter? You aren't if you checked this box
The American Independent Party is California's largest third party. A poll shows 73% may be in it by mistake. Are you one of them?
9 years ago+3 4 1Pickles
Current Event
9 years ago+46 46 0 x 1Two-year-old girl dies after biting a chilli - Times of India
Biting into a chilli pod is painful enough, but it can have far more serious consequences than a flaming tongue and watery eyes.
Current Event
9 years ago+49 49 0 x 1Leonardo DiCaprio Finally Wins An Oscar For Best Actor
With his fifth nomination, Leonardo DiCaprio has finally earned an Oscar for his role in The Revenant.
Current Event
9 years ago+47 47 0 x 1Mark Zuckerberg gets his baby vaccinated. Anti-vaxxers go nuts.
Many of Zuckerberg's 47 million-some followers on Facebook saw the post as a not-so-subtle expression of support for vaccinations, the public health matter at the center of an ongoing debate around modern science and civil liberties.
9 years ago+37 37 0 x 1CES 2016: TVs are finally taking a backseat
Filled with TVs, CES once was like the world's most ridiculous Best Buy. This year? Think Radio Shack.
9 years ago+29 29 0HTC CEO Cher Wang: "We had to rethink phones as a company. VR is more important."
The struggling smartphone maker's CEO tells Madhumita Murgia what went wrong
Current Event
9 years ago+51 51 0 x 2NASA Unveiling New Exoplanet Discovery from Kepler Telescope Thursday
In a new teleconference at 12 p.m. EDT (1600 GMT) Thursday (July 23), NASA will unveil a potentially exciting discovery regarding the search for alien planets by the Kepler Space Telescope.
Current Event
9 years ago+33 33 0 x 1North Korea elections not too close to call
North Koreans went to the polls yesterday in what was probably the world's most pointless election.
Current Event
9 years ago+14 14 0Yemen rebel fire kills 57 civilians as Aden battle rages - The Times of India
At least 57 civilians were killed today when Shiite rebels bombarded Yemen's second city Aden, where Saudi-backed pro-government forces have made gains against the insurgents, a health official said.
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Scott Walker Joins Race as Fighter for the Right
In joining the 2016 presidential campaign, he promises to bring to the U.S. the brand of tough-minded conservative politics that drove his rise in Wisconsin.
9 years ago+14 14 0Windows 10 PCs will miss the Windows 10 launch
The OS will ship on July 29, but PC makers need time to test the software before selling PCs with it. Microsoft's cutting it too close for them to make the date.
9 years ago+45 45 0 x 1Google Photos syncs files even after you delete app
Google continues to sync pictures and videos to the cloud even after you uninstall Google Photos from an Android device.
Current Event
9 years ago+13 13 0Pentagon moves toward lifting ban on transgender troops
The Pentagon took a significant step Monday toward lifting its ban on allowing transgender men and women to serve in the military, announcing a six-month study designed to clear the way.