Earth & Nature: 1 of 10
Snakes WILL Be Domesticated! Here's How!
The Imminence of the Destruction of the Space Program
New calculations put the date much closer than we should be comfortable with
The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
Electric vehicles get all the press – but it’s the smaller unsung two wheelers cutting oil demand the most.
86 Stories of Progress from 2024
Not everything that happened this year was terrible.
Attenborough's Life Journey | PBS NATURE Documentary
I've lived as a man & a woman -- here's what I learned | Paula Stone Williams | TEDxMileHigh
Scientists reviewed 7,000 studies on microplastics. Their alarming conclusion puts humanity on notice
Global action is urgently needed to tackle microplastic – and the problem has never been more pressing.
60% of Earth's Food Crops Aren't Being Visited by Enough Pollinators
Some of our favorite food crops around the world aren't reaching their full potential because of fewer visits from the insects that pollinate them, a new study has found.
Stonehenge megalith came from Scotland, not Wales, ‘jaw-dropping’ study finds
Monument’s largest ‘bluestone’ moved more than 450 miles – a discovery researchers say rewrites relationships between Neolithic populations
Don’t stop me now: Queen’s Brian May on saving badgers — and the scientific method
The guitarist has spent a decade studying the science of bovine tuberculosis and identified a new method of spread.
There's a Surprisingly Easy Way to Remove Microplastics From Your Drinking Water
Tiny fragments of microplastics are making their way deep inside our bodies in concerning quantities, significantly through our food and drink.
Oil Companies Are Still Determined to Burn the Planet Down
The big energy firms have largely stopped denying the scientific consensus about climate change. But behind their rhetoric about “net zero emissions,” there’s an unflinching determination to keep profiting from oil and gas, whatever the cost.
What’s the secret of genetic equality between the sexes? New platypus chromosome research may hold the key
Females have twice as many copies of some genes as males do – and exactly how different species manage this imbalance has puzzled scientists for decades.
Crows and Magpies Snatch Anti-Bird Spikes to Build Their Nests
Birds in Europe are prying up the metal barbs, meant to repel them from roosting on buildings, and using the devices as nesting material
Forever Chemicals Seep Through Human Skin, Alarming Study Confirms
An inescapable form of human pollution is seeping into our bodies in ways we never fully realized.
Hermaphroditism: Nature Isn't Binary
Gobsmacking Study Finds Life on Earth Emerged 4.2 Billion Years Ago
Once upon a time, Earth was barren.
What’s better for the climate: A paper book, or an e-reader?
Books take a lot of resources to make. Digital readers do, too. What's the more sustainable option? The answer isn't straightforward.
These Gray Whales Are Shrinking, and Scientists Aren’t Sure Why
Gray whales in a small group that sticks close to the shores of the Pacific Northwest appear to be shrinking—and shockingly quickly
Bizarre armor from Mycenaean Greece turns out to have been effective
People suspected the Dendra armor was ceremonial, but new tests show its utility.