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Published 9 years ago by melanoleuca with 80 Comments
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Conversation 13 comments by 10 users
  • idlethreat

    Wow. 91% Bernie Sanders. Looks like I need to read up a little more on this guy.

    • melanoleuca

      I love this response for what it represents. Recognizing that a candidate shares your views is a powerful thing. I wish more people would investigate candidates for themselves and have the realization you just did. Even if it doesn't end up changing your opinion or who you ultimately vote for, you will now be a more informed voter. Yay!

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

    • PaulRichards

      Same here, had no idea he existed until 5 minutes ago. A site like this is exactly what someone like me needs

      • melanoleuca

        I'm really glad you feel that way! Personally, I think a site like this is exactly what a lot of people need. :)

    • zaywolfe

      I got 98% lol

    • Gozzin

      Bernie Sanders for me as well, with Hilary in second place.

    • Orange

      I got Bernie as well. Let's hope he gets it!

  • snakepaws

    I was actually really impressed with the site and my results. Didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know as for what my top results were, but I was a little surprised by the numbers of some of the other candidates (good and bad).

    • melanoleuca

      I had a similar experience! I think the site is more accurate (the resulting percentages anyway) if you choose "more options" and select one, if it perfectly matches your opinions. Those extra options seem to be taken directly from candidate statements. Thus, they are a great way to see which candidates are really speaking your language. Share the word - the 2016 presidential election is around the corner and we need more informed voters, regardless of who they vote for!

      • Fuyu

        It really is such a great site. I rarely follow politics because there's just so much to take in and so much drama, but having a place just to see all the candidates' stances on certain issues is really appealing compared to having to search it all up and try to weed out what's useless. My only disappointment is there doesn't seem to be any third party representation on the site. I'd like to see people be educated on ALL choices, not just the dominating two parties. As long as we continue to ignore the smaller parties, they'll never get their foot in the door and people may miss out on exactly what they're looking for.

        • WittyUsername (edited 9 years ago)


          Here is a website that shows the stances of a whole bunch of Politicians on a whole bunch of issues.

        • melanoleuca

          I totally agree! The site creators say that they update the site daily, so maybe as the election gets closer, there will be more 3rd party representation in the quiz. If you want to read more about the site creators and their mission, check out this page.

  • usefulthings

    93% with Rand Paul. Interesting.

    (Shout out to my fellow Libertarians!).

  • spaceghoti

    I'm slightly shocked to learn that I side with Rand Paul on 28% of the issues listed. I had no idea it would be so high, but I presume most of them involve civil rights.

    • frohawk

      I sided 43% with Donald Trump, how do you think I feel. :/

  • KingAztek

    98% Bernie Sanders

    36% Donald Trump (wait, what the fuck?!?)

    4% Rick Santorum


    I can't believe I somehow agree with Donald Trump 36% of the time

    • Qukatt

      I got like 24% with Trump and I went to see his answers. where we agree we agreed for different reasons such as in "economy " :

      Do you believe labor unions help or hurt the economy? Donald Trump: Help Your similar answer: Help, but ban their ability to make political donations

      We answered the same for a bunch of healthcare questions in this manner (i guess that surprised me a lot) and I learned he's into legalising cannabis (though he gives no specific reason) and he is into increasing healthcare funding for lowest income families. So i highly recommend checking out what their specific answers were compared to yours and where you supposedly agree.

      Amazingly he's against TTIP, that was a surprise.

      I still abhor the man though, no danger there!

  • Axiomatic

    97% Bernie Sanders. Not a surprise; that guy is awesome.

  • Pockets69

    Apparently i side with Sanders, he seems to be a good guy xD

    Fortunately or Unfortunately i will not vote for anyone as I am not an American Citizen, also i haven't given much thought on all the answers :)

    While this can help people decide, it is always better for people to read the candidate programs, i don't know if the candidates do that in the US but they do it over here in Portugal, every candidate or every party releases a program of what they intend to do if they win the elections.

    • melanoleuca

      I appreciate the non-American perspective, thanks for sharing! In Portugal, are candidates held to the claims in their programs?

      • Pockets69

        they should, but they lie with all their teeth and get away with almost everything, for fucks sake we have a prime minister in prison right now accused of fraud and money laundering and that sort of thing (not prooved yet though).

        But yeah they have a campaign program, most people don't read it, also when they fail on their promises most people don't even realize it, because again they didn't even know about those promises in the first place, as for what the tv talks about it is only 5% of the measures candidates intend to take, they don't cover everything, and even those measures that people know about because they heard about them on TV, even those sometimes they fail fulfill... politics over here are rotten.

        • jmcs

          In Portugal both absolute majority single party governments implemented a very high percentage of their program, and some of minority ones also did a reasonable work in implementing their program (if the end result of the program was good or bad that's a whole different can of worms), were they usually fail miserably is on the soundbites that are shown on TV. But the same is true also in the US, Obama delivered 80% of his promises which is impressive taking into account that he had to work against the congress.

        • melanoleuca

          That doesn't sound much different from American politics as far as media involvement and failed promises go.

          • Pockets69

            guess that's a world wide phenomena when it comes to rotten politics.

  • folkrav

    I'm a Canadian, but took it anyway. Skipped the question I didn't know a thing about. Damn, 92% Bernie Sanders, 87% Clinton... I knew I would have been a democrat, if I was an American, but shit, I didn't think it would be that decisive.

  • Inconceivable

    I answered opposite of where I stand, and I learned that Santorum and Cruz must be real jerks.

    • jmcs

      You needed a quiz to know that?

  • BlewGaming

    90% with Marco Rubio. I didn't even know this guy was running.

    • MrBlik

      He was my top candidate too, I saw him speak at a Republican convention once. I found him to be on par with President Obama as an orator but that was a while ago for me so I might have a rose-tinted perception lol.

    • whisper (edited 9 years ago)

      Ha, me too. Now I'm wondering if this is based on where they say they stand or if this is where they stand, know what I mean?

  • Tadaima

    Highest: 95% Bernie Sanders

    Lowest: 3% Ted Cruz

    Not really any surprises for me personally, but it's an interesting tool and great for people who might not be following the pre-election madness too much.

  • skully

    It actually surprised me, both in terms of how much I agreed with people who I really hate and some of the things it got right. Here's my list:

    - Bernie Sanders 78% - Rand Paul 74% - Jeb Bush 64% - Marco Rubio 64% - Ted Cruz 58% - Hillary Clinton 57% - Ben Carson 57% - Scott Walker 54% - Donald Trump 54% - Carly Fiorina 46%

    However, I think that if you don't fit into either of the major parties this site doesn't really ask the right questions to classify you. So many of the questions push you into R or D and so I end up deciding which answer is the least objectionable to me. Take this question:

    Should a business, based on religious beliefs, be able to deny service to a customer?

    A business is comprised of people, and people have freedom of association. They can choose not to associate with people if they choose to, and if someone they have chosen not to associate comes onto their property they have the right to peacefully remove that person (so long as that person themselves remains peaceful.) Religion doesn't enter into it at all.

    So do I answer yes or no? If I say yes I'm siding with republicans who want to discriminate against gay people, and I find that morally reprehensible. If I say no I'm siding with democrats who want to use lethal government force to compel people to associate with people they don't wish to be associated with, and I find that morally reprehensible.

    • melanoleuca (edited 9 years ago)

      I had the same trouble when I first started the quiz. Did you answer just "yes" or "no" to each question? If so, try taking it again and choosing "additional stances" at each question. Many of them offer an in between option that may more accurately describe your stance. You are so correct, there are rarely, if ever, only two stances on an issue. Instead, there is a continuum. I wish more people could recognize this.

      • skully

        I did that, but you just get pushed into the yes and no mostly anyway from what I could tell. I also expanded to answer all the questions.

  • Jupiter7

    About 90% Bernie. When I looked at what we disagreed about, it counted most the ones where I went for the "Yes" or "No" answer and he went with the "Yes, and we should do this" or "No, and we should do this other thing". So probably a lot closer to 100%.

  • spammusbi

    98% Bernie Sanders for me. Which is true. I can't get too hopeful though, I seriously doubt he would even come close to winning.

    • Qukatt

      if everyone who said that voted for him you'd probably be surprised :)

  • cunt

    Hilary Clinton - 83% cool

  • Teakay

    Well, I went from not knowing anything about Bernie Sanders to knowing exactly what issues we agree and disagree on. I got a 93% match with Bernie and a 90% with Hillary. The issues we disagree on irritate me a bit, but it looks like they're the best we've got.

  • septimine

    83% Bernie. I figured my pro life would make me side with republicans.

    • melanoleuca

      Abortion is only one issue among many. Personally, even though I have a strong stance on abortion, I don't think that anyone should make a choice for a candidate based on any single issue.

  • redalastor

    According to this, I'm 99% team Bernie!

  • Dattix

    86% with Colonel Sanders, but my beliefs also jump all over the place. I may need to found my own party lol

  • OldTallGuy

    74% for Bernie Sanders was my highest with Hillary and Christie at 68% and a bunch of Republican candidates to fill out the list. Looks like my opinions are all over the board, I need a new candidate to really muddy up the field.

  • rosellem

    99% Bernie Sanders. I knew going that where it would be, but didn't expect that high of a percentage.

    87% Hillary Clinton, so at least I won't be too disappointed when she eventually wins the nomination. I just wish I could trust her to actually follow through on what she says.

  • Zorgon

    Wow, got 93% with Bernie and 84% with Hillary. I'll still probably write myself in again anyways.

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