• Fuyu

    It really is such a great site. I rarely follow politics because there's just so much to take in and so much drama, but having a place just to see all the candidates' stances on certain issues is really appealing compared to having to search it all up and try to weed out what's useless. My only disappointment is there doesn't seem to be any third party representation on the site. I'd like to see people be educated on ALL choices, not just the dominating two parties. As long as we continue to ignore the smaller parties, they'll never get their foot in the door and people may miss out on exactly what they're looking for.

    • WittyUsername (edited 8 years ago)


      Here is a website that shows the stances of a whole bunch of Politicians on a whole bunch of issues.

    • melanoleuca

      I totally agree! The site creators say that they update the site daily, so maybe as the election gets closer, there will be more 3rd party representation in the quiz. If you want to read more about the site creators and their mission, check out this page.