double2's feed
9 years ago
That sounds a lot like the basis of the cartesian circle, which I don't really mean. I'm referring to something that is fundamentally semantic i.e. God is these things on this paper here that we can't understand; but perhaps most people do not recognise as a semantic term and almost think of it as being a scientific observation. From my perspective this is the rational gap in religion - observe, celebrate and revere the greater unknown, but don't assign it a consciousness with motivations! That's just weird.
9 years ago
Like dark matter of the philosophical realm, yes. This is why religious leaders worth their salt have said that they await science to change how they think about their religion. The more we actually know about the world, the more accurate we can make our philosophies of the metaphysical.
9 years ago
We still get it here in the UK. It is so, so awful.
Posted in: How The Cartoon Network Grew Up
9 years ago
OK. I can totally accept this if this is the definition of feminism. Thank you for the response!
9 years agoAchievement double2
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Reached a reputation rating of 75%. Congratulations double2 on this achievement!
+13570 XP -
9 years agoComment double2
Now if they could just cancel the fuck out of Johnny Test I'd love them forever. What a pile of garbage.
Posted in: How The Cartoon Network Grew Up
9 years ago
A dear acquaintance then ;)
9 years agoComment double2
Phillip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is 210 pages long. I've never had a book that I find myself refer to in conversation so frequently. A great bit of sci fi!
9 years ago
That still doesn't sound like WWIII, more like the World Civil War I.
9 years agoComment double2
First, define WWIII. We live in a world with many, many nukes. I don't think we will see widespread war in the same way the two world wars happened; we're much more likely to see a war that comprises cultural, financial and idealogical war. Therefore the answer is "9/11". We're in the middle of it.
9 years agoComment double2
Nothing because I'm a badass.
9 years ago
I guess what I was trying to add is that it's like an object is still one piece, but it's component parts are not connected in a static visual sense, only in a behavioural sense. Oh, that's a much simpler explanation in itself... the particle is not visually together in one piece but it is behaviourally so.
9 years ago
How about this as a description - please someone correct me if I'm wrong here as I am very much an amateur on these things:
Entanglement is when some object (a particle), which is considered one discrete whole object, has different parts of it in different actual locations whilst retaining its properties of being a whole present object. The parts still affect each other as they were physically attached to each other i.e. in the same observable physical location. The entanglement is the intrinsic link between the parts of the whole which keeps them associated with each-other on the quantum level.
EDIT: moved from below EDIT 2: May I recommend the following book - How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog - it won't please everyone, but as long as you don't take the fun way the book is written as condescending, it's a great ELI5 explanation of a lot of the concepts of quantum physics.
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9 years ago
EDIT: replied to wrong comment, oops!
9 years agoComment double2
Why feminism isn't re-branded "Gender Equality". I am a man who considers himself a feminist. I completely accept that women are the gender marginalised in almost all cases, but it just seems like awful marketing for the cause as it makes men feel excluded from the movement. Many feminists will tell you that positive discrimination is just as damaging as bog-standard discrimination as it perpetuates a divide of equality - but surely that just shows why the name is flawed? I have talked about this so, so, so very many times with many feminists close to me and never been able to make the leap to endorsing the use of the term.
Edit: just to clarify, I'm not looking to argue against it, I'm just frustrated I can't come to my own resonance with the wider view on the point. I wouldn't dare as a guy to take the view that it SHOULD be changed - I just still don't understand, as per the question I'm replying to! Eek. Please don't hate me anyone...
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9 years ago
What level of detail? The functional or the technical?
9 years ago
I almost lost a friend trying to explain this to them. I usually turn to a pack of cards and the ace of spades. It's amazing the stubbornness of our minds!
9 years ago
God, in most cases, is by definition unprovable (the cases in which it could possibly be provable is where the God lives in the physical realm as in with the Greeks - if you wanted to prove Zeus lived on top of a mountain you could go check). The core motivation for having belief in a deity is to propose some kind of solid explanation for what is otherwise inexplicable. The concept of God serves a purpose, which simply would not be in need of being met if evidence for it existed. Now, what is of course preposterous is the idea that you can attribute conscious traits to this deity...if you can say they have trait a or b, you are claiming to have evidence of their existence. But if it's just a case of believing in a God, as it is by definition impossible to determine the existence of God, it isn't necessarily illogical to "believe" in some kind of God - or perhaps just use it as an extended metaphor; it's just the expression of a philosophy towards the existing sum of human experience.
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9 years agoConversation double2This comment has gained traction and has turned into a conversation.
what about "Tapzu - snapzu for mobile"?
Edit: if you take this name, can I count on you using the name "Snapper" to refer to users of snapzu? much obliged.
View Conversationoriginating in Introducing the Snapzu Is Funner (For Android) (5 replies)
9 years agoAchievement double2
Has had their comment turn into a conversation 2/2 times! Congratulations double2 on this achievement!
+4495 XP -
9 years ago
9 years ago
Wow. This looks awesome. A browser built in javascript? That's insane. The possibilities are kind of endless...very cool! Let's give this a shot then...
9 years ago
Isn't opera now a chromium derivative anyway?
9 years agoComment double2
I just listened to the RHLSTP with bob mortimer and this really is improved off of the back of it. The door seems like so much more of a significant element now lol
9 years agoComment double2
Brew dog hardcore ipa - or if you're in the UK and in a tesco, Tesco's finest double IPA he thing rebranded and cheaper!