• double2

    Now if they could just cancel the fuck out of Johnny Test I'd love them forever. What a pile of garbage.

    • spectregris

      Is that show still being made? I haven't seen it on there in months

      • double2

        We still get it here in the UK. It is so, so awful.

        • spectregris (edited 8 years ago)

          Oh... you have my sympathies

          • double2

            Is the fact it sounds like Johnny Quest intentional? If so, why? If not, surely as that was a cartoon made by the same network, this should have come up as something that could confuse people? And, again, why is it neither bad-ass or funny?

            • spectregris

              it's cartoon trash, I'm just happy cartoon network is putting out quality shows again as opposed to nothing but fart jokes and overpowered boy wonders.