Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • double2 (edited 9 years ago)

    what about "Tapzu - snapzu for mobile"?

    Edit: if you take this name, can I count on you using the name "Snapper" to refer to users of snapzu? much obliged.

    • Naaaaaarrg

      I read this and thought "Hmm yeah that sounds good". Then left.
      I had to come back to say that this name is SUPER catchy. Please seriously consider calling your app "Tapzu - Snapzu for mobile" or "Tapzu - for Snapzu" or something similar. It just rolls off the tongue so easily.

    • Nate (edited 9 years ago)

      No, no, no. No fish, please.

      Edit: Love the banner on that tribe, though.

      • double2


    • ISO

      I also agree that this is a great name for the app. I was sitting here trying to think of something on my own, but can't come up with anything better than that.

      • wolfpup

        Agreed. Tapzu is so easy to say, and it isn't already the name of something else. I don't know about calling us "Snappers," but it does sound better than any of my own ideas.