Post Overview
9 years ago+12 12 0The Fast Show has aged surprisingly well
Considering I was fairly young when I first watched this, I feel like I'm getting a lot more of the jokes now. Which is nice.
Text Post
9 years ago+14 14 0What's the best "would you rather" you know of?
Which ones have created the most interesting or, at least, drawn out conversations with you and those you have challenged? No duck sized horses please.
9 years ago+3 3 0S.P.Y - What The Future Holds (feat. Ian Shaw) - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Some lovely chilled, rolling dnb. Windows down, cruising on a sunny day kind of vibe.
9 years ago+2 2 0Plug (Luke Vibert) - Come On My Skeleton
Something a bit different!
9 years ago+2 2 0A poem about being in a shop, by the glorious Tim Key
Part of his lesser known sketch show Cowards. He also uses this clip in his live shows nowadays.
9 years ago+2 2 0The Horne Section - Chris Hoy loves a saveloy
I think I know every word to this, I love it so much. Others have said to me it's supposed to be innuendo, but I really don't think so, it's just about a man and his love for sausages. Also - if you've never heard of the Horne Sec ...
9 years ago+2 2 0Tony Ferrino - The Valley Of Our Souls
What a perfect song for a Monday.
9 years ago+22 22 0Quake, Ran Through Google's Deep Dream
Overlaying screenshots and photos with Google’s “Deep Dream” algorithm is now something everyone’s abusing and one perfect choice from the world of video games is the original Quake. The game’s dark, haunting, full of crazy textures and this process ...
Current Event
9 years ago+17 17 0/t/teamsnapper - The official HQ of the campaign for the recognition of the term "Snapper" to be made official.
Having been set up a few days ago, Team Snapper has already become a force to be reckoned with in the battle over what we should be calling ourselves as users of this glorious website. Whether you are a believer or a heathen, come here and make your ...
9 years ago+2 2 0What Separates Us From the Calculators?
9 years agoVideo/Audio+18 18 0What's your favourite clip from Spaced?
I'll go with the obvious first...
Text Post
9 years ago+4 4 0Growth of Team Snapper
Ok, so my predictions that we would currently have significantly more members than all humans to have ever lived, in hindsight, were misguided. I think I forgot to carry the one, or missed a decimal perhaps. Either way, whilst we have grown, we are still small - especially when you consider the significance of the topic we are covering.
I have been asked by the board here at Team Snapper to make significant growth of the tribe over the next two weeks, otherwise I will be forced to resign. There is apparently a high flying woman in silicon valley, with social media expertiese, who has recently come to have a lot more time on her hands over the last 24 hours and the board has been eager to get in talks with her.
To put it simply - if each of our current tribe members invited merely 300 people each via PM, with an assumed conversion rate of ~80-85% we would have 2640 members in no time. Just think about that for a second. That's a lot of support for the truth, something which could only benefit snapzu and us as individuals. I'll leave it with you all...just think about it.
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Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0[FEATURES] Snap titles and description to save automatically
It's seriously unintuitive that you need to click save for your title and description updates, often leaving my snaps to be accidentally submitted with default information attached. Is there any reason to not do this? Can you just have it so the section saves on focus loss? Either that or make the section a pop up like every other part of the snap system.
Edit: D'oh. This is definitely Site Behavior and not Feature. Never mind.
Current Event
9 years ago+3 3 0Ellen Pao makes resignation comment on /r/self
After more than two years at reddit, I have resigned today. My first day was April 1, 2013 (go...
Text Post
9 years ago+6 6 0Android users: what's your keyboard of choice?
I'm currently using an XperiaZ3 compact - which has a screen about the size of the original iphone dimensions. The stock keyboard is well laid out but the dictionary is diabolical and far too confident to correct words when its not needed.
So on the basis of layout and autocorrect features - what's the best keyboard out there, paid or free?
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0Why does Sean Connery like hugging Tupac?
It makes him feel shakur.
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0Why did the bike fall over?
It was too tired.
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0What's the capital of Greece?
About €400
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0Important changes to membership criteria and posting
I know that some of us may be set in our ways. We've come so far since the days of 1, or even just 2 members. However, with growth, certain responsibilities become apparent.
Snappers never have and never will be an intolerant people. Founded on integrity and good spirit, it is our responsibility to be open and welcoming to all snappers, even if they deny their own name. Instead we should respond to these individuals with compassion, for they know not what they do.
In light of this, the tribe rules will be updated to permit heathens/dissidents to join our ranks. if they so wish. All we ask is that they name themselves when posting by prefixing their posts with [DISSENT] so as to not confuse easily corrupted whipper snappers* who may be browsing posts. This also means we will be removing the claim that the size of the tribe is the size of support for the word "snapper", as this is pointless anyway as everyone deep down knows the truth even if they deny it because they're being awkward.
*the canonical nature of this word is pending, please see relevant post on the subject
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