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Published 9 years ago by Cheesemangeur with 73 Comments

Snapzu right now


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Conversation 14 comments by 11 users
  • DesiDrifter395

    Im loving how you can add Gifs, and then just click on them to play them in frame, no RES required

    • jessdabess

      Right! Pretty sweet. The only thing I miss was never-ending-reddit. But I can't imagine it would take to long to get that working here if someone were so inclined.

    • UpAndRunning

      It's true, this is pleasant. However, a lot of people like to sometimes just browse the pics and gifs without having to be redirected. In this case, I'm not redirected to Imgur, for example, but to this post's comments, which may be a little cumbersome for some. However, I don't doubt that, as its popularity will increase, so will the extensions.

      • exikon

        Yeah, that's the only thing I'm really missing right now. The way you could open pics/gifs on your reddit frontpage and resize them without having to leave the page. RES is really amazing.

        • jackinjill

          I think it would work well if snaps opened the way they do but left the other posts in a sort of sidebar on the left. Then you could go from snap to snap without having to move between the individual posts and the front page.

          • exikon

            That sounds like a pretty great way to do it without just cloning RES.

            • double2

              I don't know whether worrying about whether something is cloning RES is a problem. Why reinvent the wheel? This feature, in particular is excellent and highly functional. IMO, differentiation between reddit and snapzu should come from expanding beyond reddit's long-standing limitations. If anything, keeping things somewhat familiar would only help with user migration.

    • picklefingers

      Yup, a lot of features here are native to the site and not just RES extensions. Hopefully, if the dev team stays as active as they are, we won't even really need a SES. Just check out /t/blog to see how active they are.

    • double2

      Wait, but I clicked on the thumbnail and was taken to the comments page before I could view the gif. Is this what you mean?

      • DesiDrifter395

        I mean you can view the Gif while still in the comments, instead of being taken to the actual gfycat or imgur website

    • aku

      yeah but the problem is you cant use something like hoverzoom or imagus on these images, I would prefer if they were just links

    • ottermatic

      This site is like Reddit, if Reddit had actually made a logical decision and improved their own website by including RES features. But I'm glad they didn't, it makes the switch to Snapzu feel that much better.

    • Swiff

      I miss using hoverzoom to view .gifs without reading the thread.

    • CaCtUs2003

      I agree, that is pretty awesome. I also like how they seem to load the gif fully before playing it making it much less of a hassle on your computer!

  • gabe2068

    Man this site is amazing. How long has it been up? I would've switched off of reddit earlier if I knew there were actually good alternatives!

    • xef6

      Exactly. Now we need to make sure that more people get informed of the existence of this site.

      • Stoic (edited 9 years ago)

        We need to also make sure the right kind of people get informed of the existence of this site.

        • wheels29

          While I agree with you, I do think that all parties should be represented so that we get an array of points of view.

          • RektByTheBell

            Yeah, everybody agreeing all of the time would provide no room for discussions.

          • Rothulfossil

            While that's true, it should probably be made damn clear that we want to maintain a higher standard here in terms of content. We really don't need shit like /t/picsofdeadkids, /t/jailbait, /t/fatpeoplehate, etc... That's the sort of thing that made me super uncomfortable calling myself a redditor, and if that kind of thing becomes popular here, I don't see myself sticking around.

          • txjuit

            Definitely, the fact that the site is gated with an invite req is awesome though since the people willing to seek one to make an account will probably be more active and interesting. Why go through the effort if all you care about is getting 2k upvotes with a meme/pun, you know?

    • PrismDragon

      This site has been out for at least 2.5 years now. That's going by /u/drunkenninja's registration date.

  • eruditojones

    Oh man. I reckon this is gonna be good! (Snapzu I mean!)

    • KaliYugaz

      It also reminds me that we need a /t/adventuretime. Or maybe just a /t/cartoons to start out. And a /t/anime.

    • TheOmnsicient

      Why not using both. it's not like we are tied to one site. i say bring it on all the contexts . :D

    • izafreak

      This will be good as long as it STAYS good! Reddit was "good" when it was new, too...but then the greed came. I'm staying optimistic, but that has bit me in the ass a few times.

  • Four

    This is far better than Reddit to be honest, it looks modern and actually has features inbuilt that you needed RES for.

    • humorousdaze

      All we need is an android and ios app

      • tyler

        I'm honestly thinking about creating an iOS app for the site. I need a side project to distract me from my other side projects.

        • eilyra

          It's a good idea, however I believe you would need to resort to scraping the site at the moment, as the API isn't implemented yet.

          • tyler

            Damn, I haven't really looked into it much. Maybe I can get in contact with someone to get some JSON feeds set up.

            • eilyra

              The API seems to be on its way sometime this year according to their year in review for 2014. They refer to it specifically as mobile API, even. If you do manage to expedite the API development process, that would be nice though! Some interest in it myself as well.

      • cupcakey

        Yeah, it seems like everything scales for smart phone resolutions except the comments. They seem to be set for tablet res. Would definitely pay for an Android app!

      • Whiplash

        Definitely. I've always done the majority of my redditing on mobile. Also, I kinda want to wait until some of my favorite subreddits have a big enough equivalent tribe over here.

    • WindowsUpdate

      I'm going to be completely honest: My favorite part so far are the avatars.

    • Kayzaks

      ... and very responsive!

      • PrismDragon

        It will be even more responsive once the developers can sort out the server issues.

    • gabe2068

      This is the truth right here.

    • Swanee

      I really like the way you make posts with the addition of tags and sources links, it's awesome.

    • the7egend

      Yea, it's a lot cleaner and the experience system is pretty cool, lots of stuff the take it, but I have enjoyed my time here so far.

  • bogdan

    At this moment it really feels like it's gotten too drunk and starting to wobble.

    • TheGuyThatsMeh

      “A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” Thats how I feel about the whole situation, it would have been safe to just remain the same but is neccesary that the community grows.

    • LuiguSefi

      At least it's one of those fun drunks!

  • geckofish

    Having just joined in the last 5 minutes, the design of snapzu kicks the shit outta reddit's.

    • ashleya

      Ditto. Snapzo looks so clean and modern. I feel like I'm staying in a nice hotel.

      • zaywolfe

        Purple drapes!

      • Autumnal

        I totally agree, that's a great description


    No browser extensions required to imbed or play gifs and videos??? I love this site.

  • limechimera

    Party time! :3 Loving the style of this site. Very user friendly.

  • ttubravesrock

    I hope snapzu doesn't turn into something like voat where 90% of the content is "reddit this" or "reddit that"

    • seiggy

      Same thing happened to reddit when the mass migration from Digg took place. You'll see a ton of reddit posts for about a week and then it'll calm down. Assuming this sticks that is.

      • zaywolfe

        I'm legitimately considering staying here. It's like reddit enough to be comfortable but it's different enough to not be a clone.

    • cmagnificent

      Considering the events of yesterday and today leading to the migration of so many redditors, I think the uptick in reddit talk will only be temporary.

      Of course if you really want to avoid it your best bet would be focusing effort on supplying content/conversation to some of the smaller more focused tribes rather than the general conversation that will be dominated by us refugees for a little bit.

  • Grassgrows

    Nice how easy GIFS work on this site. Loving it!

  • HangedCole

    The best part about the party is that it's "invite-only". ;)

  • cGt2099

    Snapzu parties just don't stahp

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  • ClarkKent

    I love this feature, I really believe this place can take off.... Can it hold some huge traffic? Lol

  • zaywolfe

    Have to say, I hope this is our new place after reddit. The upholstery is phenomenal!

  • massani

    It's a party! It's a party! It's a party!

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