• gabe2068

    Man this site is amazing. How long has it been up? I would've switched off of reddit earlier if I knew there were actually good alternatives!

    • xef6

      Exactly. Now we need to make sure that more people get informed of the existence of this site.

      • Stoic (edited 8 years ago)

        We need to also make sure the right kind of people get informed of the existence of this site.

        • wheels29

          While I agree with you, I do think that all parties should be represented so that we get an array of points of view.

          • RektByTheBell

            Yeah, everybody agreeing all of the time would provide no room for discussions.

          • Rothulfossil

            While that's true, it should probably be made damn clear that we want to maintain a higher standard here in terms of content. We really don't need shit like /t/picsofdeadkids, /t/jailbait, /t/fatpeoplehate, etc... That's the sort of thing that made me super uncomfortable calling myself a redditor, and if that kind of thing becomes popular here, I don't see myself sticking around.

          • txjuit

            Definitely, the fact that the site is gated with an invite req is awesome though since the people willing to seek one to make an account will probably be more active and interesting. Why go through the effort if all you care about is getting 2k upvotes with a meme/pun, you know?

    • PrismDragon

      This site has been out for at least 2.5 years now. That's going by /u/drunkenninja's registration date.