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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement wekjak

    Red Eye Jedi

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up wekjak

    Level 7

    wekjak is now level 7 with 23,240 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement wekjak

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations wekjak on this achievement!

    +1620 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Unspecified wekjak

    From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) [7.1 on imdb]

    Co-written by Quinten Tarantino & directed by Robert Rodriguez, this genre-bending action movie follows two murderous bank robbers (George Clooney & Tarantino) as they escape to Mexico with hostages in tow. They stop at a seedy strip joint for the night, where the story takes an unexpected twist. Also with Juliette Lewis, Salma Hayek, and Cheech Marin. It's best to not even go to the imdb page. It gives too much away. Watch the opening scene below.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    Does it really? It's not really true if you (1) are into lossless or high quality formats, (2) don't want to pay $10 a month when you can pay ~$50 a year for a VPN and get literally any content you want, (3) you don't like having your personal tastes tracked, (4) you like your big ol' 160 GB iPod classic. None of this is a moral justification, but pirating is a common practice because it does have considerable advantages compared to streaming services.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I pretty much agree with everything you've said. The question of how to deal with the problem, however, is a minefield. I'll be the first to admit that I think racism and sexism is disgusting behavior. It should opposed. But, there also needs to be places where an open exchange of ideas is readily available, and people with common sense need to be vocal in those arenas, openly challenging prejudice and hatred in a cool and rational manner.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement wekjak

    Good Image

    Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations wekjak on this achievement!

    +1620 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I think racism and sexism is disgusting, but I expect it and think that there should be platforms on which it is okay to express it. I also think it's perfectly acceptable to ban it on other platforms. You don't have to be okay with it. That's not what I'm saying.

    But to reduce the dislike for Pao down to its crudest form is not doing justice to the situation.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    Please be more specific. I don't trust Google or Yahoo to keep my emails secure, which is why I mentioned end to end encryption. I personally use an openmailbox.org account and Evolution mail client, which has built in GPG support. But setting it up (creating/importing/exporting keys, configuring the email client, etc.) tends to be beyond the abilities of tech illiterate people.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I don't know how many times my parents have sent me sensitive information in plain text without even blinking an eye, even after I tell them not to. Scary.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    You know what would be the holy grail for me? End to end encryption so easy that my mother and girlfriend can use it. Sending or receiving sensitive data electronically is just damn near impossible when you're trying to send it to people who aren't tech savvy.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    There are plenty of reasons to criticize Ellen Pao without engaging in sexism or racism. Given the details of her career, she seems like a bad fit for the reddit community. But, I believe that she is pretty much being paid to be a scapegoat for investors wanting to see returns on their investment.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    You really can't change human nature. If the downvote feature isn't functioning in a manner that the community deems appropriate, then the feature needs to change. Educating people doesn't really help. Reddit always tried to educate people that the downvote button wasn't a disagree button, but it gets used that way regardless. You'd need a means of somehow auditing downvotes, or limiting their use, or identify who downvoted, or a means of contesting a downvote. You essentially have to discourage the behavior so it's only used when it is necessary.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I agree with the sentiment, but his solution seems like a lot of hot air.

    President Obama shouldn’t stop with an executive order requiring government contractors to disclose their political contributions... He should ban all political activities by corporations getting more than half their revenues from the federal government.

    Quite a bit of contribution and lobbying spending data is already readily available, and banning corporations from being politically active is unconstitutional as per Citizens United. We recognize the problem; we need viable solutions. Like a sustained populist movement in favor of amending the Constitution.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I dont think this sounds right. "Its working people who should control the work to be done" The work to be done: housing, pollution, crime, schools. But who is going to pay for the workers to work in those areas? Either the government or business.

    Have you ever heard of worker cooperatives? It's essentially a business that is completely owned and in control of the workers, so they have a direct interest in giving back to their community. You're drawing a false dichotomy between capitalist enterprise and the state. There are proven ways in which workers can be in control of their workplaces and communities without the need for intrusive special interests.

    The greatest experiments in this type of governance have historically taken place in Spain. During the Spanish Revolution, many areas of Spain were under the control of libertarian socialists, who ran those areas along anarcho-syndicalist principles for about three years. Economically, they were strong. Production increased over that period compared to the previously capitalist economy. Unfortunately, they were undermined by Marxist-Leninists (with funding from the Soviet Union) and eventually defeated by fascists (led by Franco). But, the spirit of the revolution still exists in the Basque region of Spain, where the economy is controlled almost entirely by the Mondragon Corporation, the world's largest conglomerate of worker-owned cooperatives. When the Global Financial Crisis reached Spain, unemployment skyrocketed in every region except the Basque Country.

    And "As long as employment is tied to someone elses profits the work won't get done"? Lots of work is tied to profits and is still done.

    In context, this means that as long as employment is tied solely to profits, the work that is not profitable will not get done, even if it would benefit society if it did get done. A capitalist economy is extremely short-sighted. Investments that have long-term or non-monetary value are often ignored in favor of ones that provide quick, tangible returns.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    The choice was between an almost guaranteed generations-long depression and the chance of recovery within a decade. As I said above, many economists and policy-makers agree with the people of Greece on this one. They made the right decision for themselves.

    If it were up to the Syriza government, they would have made the same decision. The fact that they gave the people the right to choose only solidifies the validity of the decision.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    That's not really an unintended consequence for many who voted "no" in the referendum. They argue that that's exactly what Greece needs: exit from the Eurozone and print their own undervalued currency. It means some seriously tough times ahead, but it gives them a chance to grow their economy because their export and tourism industries will be far more competitive.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    Bright guy.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    The systemd controversy is linux wide. Systemd is a replacement for the old SysV init system. An init system is the software deamon that kicks everything else off and acts as a service manager. It's the first service to start at boot and the last to be killed during shutdown.

    Systemd is controversial because it is not just an init system, it's a software suite that controls a wide variety of system functions. It manages user logins, event logging, network configuration, time settings, and device management. Its developers are also in the midst of replacing the kernel-based virtual terminal with their own console. This means that systemd doesn't follow the unix principle of doing one thing and doing it well. Some people don't like this, and believe that systemd "gets in their way." Others look forward to the change, as they hope it will stream line system management, making it more user friendly.

    The truth is, unless you're a serious power user or sysadmin (I'm not), you probably won't interact with your OS on a level that it will get in your way. I've found it to be more intuitive, if anything. I'm not really concerned about it violating the unix principle. Most *nix operating systems have gotten way past the point of no return in that regard. See: Unix doesn't follow unix philosophy.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I think it should be optional and less binary, in order to be more accepting of the intersex/transgender community.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    Gentoo ended up incorporating a lot of the functionality that the Kororaa project provided (mainly a GUI installer). The creator started a new project after a hiatus and kept the name, I guess because he liked it.

  • 9 years ago
    Unspecified wekjak

    Protesters splattered in fake blood decry Spanish bull run

    About one hundred semi-naked animal rights activists covered in fake blood on Saturday protested against the upcoming famous bull run in the Spanish city of Pamplona.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment wekjak

    I'm running Korora, which is essentially a tricked out Fedora remix. OpenSuse is a rock solid desktop distro. I've been thinking of going back.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up wekjak

    Level 6

    wekjak is now level 6 with 15,265 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement wekjak

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations wekjak on this achievement!

    +2640 XP