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  • Video/Audio
    9 days ago
    by Maternitus
    +2 +1

    Investigating Trump, Project 2025 and the future of the United States

    There has never been a US president like Donald Trump — and now he’s back, this time with a detailed plan for his second coming.

  • Video/Audio
    2 weeks ago
    by Maternitus
    +2 +1

    Anesthesia in Tattooing

    As the use of anesthesia in tattooing gains popularity, curiosity surrounds its ‘aftermath.’ What happens to the canvas after they’ve been ‘asleep’ for the entirety of an extremely traumatic tattoo session, and what challenges do they face after coming-to and being left to heal?

  • Video/Audio
    3 weeks ago
    by Maternitus
    +2 +1

    Carbon conspiracy: How shadowy think-tanks went to war on net zero

    The right wing has ripped up the consensus on the climate crisis. In this documentary short, we examine how radical groups based in and around 55 Tufton Street have fought net zero. Lobbyists and think tanks simulate public support for antidemocratic, anti-scientific measures. Documentary includes interview with Peter Geoghegan, author of Democracy for Sale.

  • Video/Audio
    3 weeks ago
    by Maternitus
    +2 +1

    The Strange Origin Story behind this Iconic Megacity

    In this video, we explore the origins of Akira's iconic Neo-Tokyo, delving into its roots in post-war Tokyo and the visionary ideas that shaped it. We uncover how Katsuhiro Otomo's experiences and inspirations, including the chaotic streets of 1970s Tokyo and the influence of youth biker gangs, contributed to the creation of this futuristic megacity. We also reveal the surprising influence of German filmmaker Fritz Lang, whose 1920s film Metropolis inspired Akira's cityscape. Join us as we trace the architectural and cultural elements that led to the birth of one of the most iconic anime settings ever created.

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +25 +4

    Debunking the State of Israel

    The title says it all. A historical and scientific documentary debunking the "State of Israel".

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +12 +3

    The Unfortunate Decline Of Thrift Stores

    In This Video We’ll Discuss Recent Trends In Thrifting And Why It’s On The Decline

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +23 +3

    Gideon Levy: Going Against The Grain (2013)

    Gideon Levy is someone who evokes strong emotions from fellow Israelis. His columns for the Tel Aviv-based Haaretz newspaper documents the lives of regular Palestinians which have made him one of the most hated men in Israel. "Going Against the Grain" follows controversial Israeli journalist Gideon Levy on one of his assignments in Hebron, to describe lives of ordinary Palestinians living there.

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +18 +3

    TATTOOED The Movie

    In 2007, Declan Maynes bought himself a camera, the book Film Making For Dummies and went out on his own to interview numerous tattoo artists and experts around the world. When he came back to his home in Vienna he sat down in his kitchen and edited his first feature-length film: "TATTOOED The Movie". Declan's film won acclaim at international film festivals including the prestigious INDIE SPIRIT Award.

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +21 +4


    2021 Re-release -- “Stink!” opens with a foul smell and a pair of kids pajamas. And a single father trying to find out what that smell could possibly be. But instead of getting a straight answer, director Jon Whelan stumbles on an even bigger issue in America, which is that some products on our store shelves are not safe -- by design.

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +24 +3

    Oh Canada Movie - Our Bought And Sold Out Land

    This 2009 entertaining documentary film explores the history of banking, the selling out of the prosperity of Canada, the clearance sale of Canadian businesses and the political liquidation of public infrastructures to the multi-national corporate oligarchy. How has this led to the biggest economic crash / recession / depression in Canadian history? Could it have something to do with our politicians listening to international bankers and corporations instead of the people Canada? How does the Canadian banking system really work? How does the central Bank of Canada compare with the American Federal Reserve?

  • Video/Audio
    1 month ago
    by Maternitus
    +30 +2

    Britain’s Evil War Against Pirate Radio

    Today we explore the criminal world of pirate radio, how the UK establishment and the BBC suppressed and criminalised these stations for over 40 years.

  • Video/Audio
    2 months ago
    by Maternitus
    +34 +9

    Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism

    Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How do we regain control of our data? What is surveillance capitalism?

  • Analysis
    3 months ago
    by estherschindler
    +10 +2

    How Finding Your Roots Turns DNA Research Into Essential TV

    Producers behind PBS' series reveal how they help guests explore their family trees.

  • Video/Audio
    4 months ago
    by Maternitus
    +36 +2

    #Happy: The Dictatorship of Happiness on Social Media

    We spend hours on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, seduced by their promise: to be able to share our life and our opinions with the whole world. In this virtual world, everyone is happy. Everyone has perfect bodies, lives fulfilled lives in stylish houses surrounded by beautiful friends and family. Everyone shows off and everyone judges. But this irresistible quest for recognition can quickly turn into addiction, wreaking havoc on our mental health. And teenagers are the most susceptible. In this film, we examine the real dangers of the “happycracy” promoted on social networks and hear from some of its young victims.

  • Analysis
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +2 +1

    The Justinian Dynasty (518-602 CE)

    The Justinian Dynasty (518-602 CE) marked a pivotal era in the history of the Byzantine Empire. Spanning four rulers, it witnessed a period of ambitious territorial expansion, significant legal codification, and a flourishing of art and architecture. This dynasty, particularly under the reign of Justinian I (the Great), is often regarded as the zenith of Byzantine power and influence.

  • Analysis
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +1 +1

    Byzantine Chain: A Luxurious Interwoven Design

    The Byzantine chain, a captivating jewelry design renowned for its intricate beauty and remarkable strength, boasts a rich history and enduring popularity. Crafted from precious metals like gold and silver, or even sturdier materials like stainless steel, Byzantine chains feature an elaborate interlocking pattern that creates a captivating rope-like texture.

  • Analysis
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +1 +1

    Constantine XI Palaiologos: The Last Byzantine Emperor

    Constantine XI Palaiologos (February 8, 1404 – May 29, 1453), also known as Dragases, remains a captivating figure in history as the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire. His tragic reign, culminating in the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans in 1453, marks a significant turning point in world history. While assessments of his leadership vary, Constantine’s courage and loyalty to his empire are undeniable.

  • Analysis
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +1 +1

    Irene of Athens: Empress, Iconoclast Conqueror, and Saint

    Irene of Athens (c. 752 – August 9, 803), also known as Irene Sarantapechaena, remains a captivating figure in Byzantine history. Rising from Athenian nobility to become the first woman to reign independently over the Eastern Roman Empire, her legacy is marked by political intrigue, religious controversy, and ultimately, the restoration of icons. However, her path to sainthood was paved with complex decisions and contested power struggles.

  • Analysis
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +1 +1

    Byzantine Empire

    Your digital gateway to the illustrious world of the Byzantine Empire. Immerse yourself in the history, culture, and legacy of one of the most enduring civilizations in human history. Our mission is to bring the fascinating story of Byzantium to life, making it accessible to enthusiasts, scholars, and curious minds alike.

  • Interactive
    4 months ago
    by razin
    +1 +1

    Byzantine Dynasties: A Legacy of Emperors and Empires

    The Byzantine Empire, often referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire, spanned over a thousand years (330-1453 CE). Throughout this long history, power shifted between various dynasties, each leaving its mark on the empire’s political landscape, cultural achievements, and territorial extent. This article explores the major dynasties of the Byzantine Empire, highlighting their key figures, significant events, and lasting contributions.