Conversation 30 comments by 21 users
  • spaceghoti

    I hope this site can establish a safe place for everyone, but there are still some people whining about "SJWs" so don't be surprised. I don't know if they'll congregate in sufficient numbers to sustain their interest or if they'll find this site unwelcoming to their MRA arguments. I'm still waiting to see how it all shakes out. I know a few have expressed bitterness that this isn't a "say anything and get away with it" type of forum.

    • shannondoah

      I know a few have expressed bitterness that this isn't a "say anything and get away with it" type of forum.

      Au contraire,I'm quite happy at it.

      • OnlySlightly

        I agree. Yeah I'm going to go against the grain and say that this shouldn't be a place where you can say anything. There are plenty of communities out there, but this one shouldn't tolerate abusive behavior. Friendliness is an essential part of snapzu's core being and I don't want that to disappear just so one can be free to bully others or make remarks that look down upon race, gender, sexuality or anything else like that. They can congregate at 4chan, reddit or voat for that ;)

        • enethanniel (edited 8 years ago)

          Friendliness is an essential part of snapzu's core being and I don't want that to disappear just so one can be free to bully others or make remarks that look down upon race, gender, sexuality or anything else like that.

          I appreciate that there are like-minded people on Snapzu, so that even though Snapzu as a site is permissive of alternate ideologies, as a community Snapzu doesn't have to welcome or tolerate bigotry.

          There's a massive 'freedom of speech' argument going on at Reddit right now. Right now, all these arguments translate to me as 'free speech for bigots', or even 'safe spaces for bigots'. Meanwhile the vulnerable have to self-censor themselves either out of caution or just out of desire to not have to put up with shit, including tolerating and 'educating' racists on the error of their ways.

          In the end, the funny thing to me is that Reddit as a whole, by their actions, are encouraging the bigots to speak their minds and disseminate their ideas, whereas the targets of their vitriol just have to put up and shut up. All in the name of free speech and tolerance on a privately owned website.

          Edit: Sorry for the rant OP. Welcome to the website. :)

          • hallucigenia (edited 8 years ago)

            Reddit has a strange form of "free speech", anyway. Say something unpopular? It'll get downvoted so much, nobody will ever see it. The problem I see is not that there's "too much free speech", it's that there's not enough pluralism. A good example is something like Black Lives Matter. If you want to hear what white conservatives think about it, go to reddit! Oh, you might find a few, heavily-downvoted white liberals, too. Will you hear from any black activists? Hahahahaaaha! Not bloody likely.

            So, that's what reddit is. Free speech for the majority, whatever that is, and everybody else gets silenced.

          • Gozzin

            Reddit as a whole, by their actions, are encouraging the bigots to speak their minds and disseminate their ideas, whereas the targets of their vitriol just have to put up and shut up

            I've noticed the same thing. Reddit protects the trolls and troublemakers and only drops the hammer on them when what they are doing draws unwanted attention to Reddit,which i find disgusting. BTW, excellent rant.

            • woo (edited 8 years ago)

              Yeah, they've really gone the distance to keep the dregs of its userbase around. One network of subreddits is well on its way to surpassing Stormfront as the #1 white nationalist site on the internet. Any reasonable group of administrators would have taken decisive action long before this point.

            • Gozzin
              @woo -

              Great find!!!

        • Bastou

          I haven't noticed so much bad behavior on voat yet. I hope it stays this way for a while.

          • woo (edited 8 years ago)

            I guess it depends on what you classify as "bad behavior". A lot of the worst people from reddit migrated to voat after /r/FatPeopleHate was banned, and now they make up a large portion of its userbase. Until issues with their hosting providers forced them to ban it, the administration was happy to provide a safe haven for inappropriate pictures of minors on their site. That its ultimate banning caused a sizeable backlash from voat's userbase tells me they're not the kind of crowd I'd want to hang around.

            • Bastou

              Maybe it's only the subverses (voat's equivalent of subreddits and tribes) I frequent then... But voat has some restrictions on up/down voting for newer accounts, maybe it helps a bit too.

            • woo
              @Bastou -

              True. I've seen the same on reddit as well: if you can isolate yourself enough in smaller and/or well-moderated sections of a site, you can avoid much of the garbage that might be elsewhere.

        • [Deleted Profile]

          [This comment was removed]

      • NerfYoda

        Agreed. It seems way too many take "free speech" as a license to be a complete asshole. Those jerks should go off to voat or 8chan and live in their free speech will never die hatey hate hate paradise.

      • Gozzin

        As am I..And if they can't throw their weight around here, there are other places they can go.

    • picklefingers

      I don't think there is any problem with having an MRA or SJW (man, what is it with social movements and acronyms) group on the site. I sort of consider myself independant when it comes to all that stuff so I enjoy seeing both sides talk. What I think would fall in line with Snapzu culture, is that those two groups could live in peace here on this site. In all the arguments I've seen from apposing viewpoints, only one has been vitriolic. Compare that to any sub with more than a couple hundred people on reddit and its hard to go a day without some drama going on.

      • racerxonclar

        This is why I generally dislike anyone that identifies with a group, if you get my meaning. Treating people fairly and evenly doesn't require associating with some group of people... it's just called being a good human being. When you start touching groups (SJWs, etc), I don't know... it always feels like it just degrades into this self-feeding circle of nonsense.

        • ducky (edited 8 years ago)

          I'd have to agree with that sentiment. Forming a group quite often tends to lead to a kind of group-think where you're discouraged from forming your own opinion on things. I'm obviously not saying all groups are like that, but quite a few are.

      • UnicornCommando

        But I really don't enjoy the "Tumblr Feminism" and the "Reddit MRA" groups. They are just usually attention seekers and don't really contribute anything anywhere.

      • hallucigenia

        Well, on reddit the SJWs are total assholes, and the anti-SJWs are also total assholes. I haven't had much interaction with the MRAs, but they don't seem like very nice people, either. It seems like no matter which side you're on, things turn toxic pretty quickly.

      • Timothyjdrake

        I have to put up with these jerks everywhere.

        Can't we just leave that crap to Reddit and act like human beings here?

    • ElTimablo

      unwelcoming to their MRA arguments.

      I really hope that doesn't turn out to be the case. I'm hoping the people of this site have the sense to see that both sexes have problems and are able to discuss them in a civil manner. I got really, really tired of reddit's "women can do no wrong, men are evil" mentality and came here to escape being called an asshole every time I say men can get raped, too.

      • aoirghe

        "reddit's 'women can do no wrong, men are evil' mentality" very, very different than my experience...

        • redalastor

          It depends on your particular blend of subs. Both exist on reddit.

      • spaceghoti

        You know what I'm tired of seeing? reddit attacking an article in which a feminist argues for a balance between rights for men and women because in their opinion the author clearly hates women. This is the sort of conversation I really don't want to see come to snapzu.

        Pro-tip: if you can't see my comments it's because they've been downvoted below the viewing threshold.

        • Brandon816 (edited 8 years ago)

          To be fair, you did take a condescending tone toward other posters with at least three of your comments in that page. I'm not entirely sure that you got downvoted for the actual content of those in particular.

      • hallucigenia (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah, I'm kind of on the fence there. Feminists claim that having a men's rights movement is redundant because feminism is all about equal rights, so they're for men's rights, too. Men's issues are so different, though. Dealing with female rape doesn't solve male rape, because women are raped by acquaintances and men get raped in prison. Dealing with violence against women doesn't help violence against men, because most anti-female violence is domestic and most anti-male violence is non-domestic.

        Sorry, hope I didn't derail the thread too much. X-D

        • Antisyne

          Both movements have really good issues that we'd all like to see addressed. But for some reason, they care more about slinging shit at each other for internet points than doing anything that might actually benefit their causes.

    • nauthas

      I've found most of the people complaining about SJW's are the same people who are against MRA's. It's just that SocJus seems so much more active recently. I hope people just can get together on here and say without identifying as some group "Both Men and women have problems"