  • enethanniel (edited 8 years ago)

    Friendliness is an essential part of snapzu's core being and I don't want that to disappear just so one can be free to bully others or make remarks that look down upon race, gender, sexuality or anything else like that.

    I appreciate that there are like-minded people on Snapzu, so that even though Snapzu as a site is permissive of alternate ideologies, as a community Snapzu doesn't have to welcome or tolerate bigotry.

    There's a massive 'freedom of speech' argument going on at Reddit right now. Right now, all these arguments translate to me as 'free speech for bigots', or even 'safe spaces for bigots'. Meanwhile the vulnerable have to self-censor themselves either out of caution or just out of desire to not have to put up with shit, including tolerating and 'educating' racists on the error of their ways.

    In the end, the funny thing to me is that Reddit as a whole, by their actions, are encouraging the bigots to speak their minds and disseminate their ideas, whereas the targets of their vitriol just have to put up and shut up. All in the name of free speech and tolerance on a privately owned website.

    Edit: Sorry for the rant OP. Welcome to the website. :)

    • hallucigenia (edited 8 years ago)

      Reddit has a strange form of "free speech", anyway. Say something unpopular? It'll get downvoted so much, nobody will ever see it. The problem I see is not that there's "too much free speech", it's that there's not enough pluralism. A good example is something like Black Lives Matter. If you want to hear what white conservatives think about it, go to reddit! Oh, you might find a few, heavily-downvoted white liberals, too. Will you hear from any black activists? Hahahahaaaha! Not bloody likely.

      So, that's what reddit is. Free speech for the majority, whatever that is, and everybody else gets silenced.

    • Gozzin

      Reddit as a whole, by their actions, are encouraging the bigots to speak their minds and disseminate their ideas, whereas the targets of their vitriol just have to put up and shut up

      I've noticed the same thing. Reddit protects the trolls and troublemakers and only drops the hammer on them when what they are doing draws unwanted attention to Reddit,which i find disgusting. BTW, excellent rant.

      • woo (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah, they've really gone the distance to keep the dregs of its userbase around. One network of subreddits is well on its way to surpassing Stormfront as the #1 white nationalist site on the internet. Any reasonable group of administrators would have taken decisive action long before this point.

      • Gozzin
        @woo -

        Great find!!!