
I'm officially in love with Snapzu (and its users)

People here are so nice! Haves the sense of community I was looking for. No crazy downvote raids, no weird circlejerk. Also, it haves a nice design.

I'm really happy with it.

9 years ago by HeyYourself with 84 comments

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Conversation 13 comments by 8 users
  • Bossman

    This site is pretty awesome so far. My only (minor) complaint so far is it's difficult to see your comment/snap history at a glance - and by that I mean, one page with all of them visible.

    • HeyYourself

      That and private messages (Or maybe there is already a pm system, though i cant seem to find it)

      • Arbituz

        There is a PM system! The only way I have found to send one though is through the page of the user you want to PM. Either click on their name in a post or go to Snapzu.com/username and there will be a button on the top right that says "Send PM". Users can choose who can PM them though so you may not see the button for everybody.

        In your message box there is a button that says "Manage" on the top right and it lets you choose who can PM you. Hope this helps!

        • HeyYourself


        • FRIK

          Really? I was looking for this! Thank you so much!

      • spammusbi

        I have no idea where to look for my last comment to see if some one replied. Is there something I'm missing? Other then that, yea I like this site!

        • HeyYourself

          On the top right corner you have the submit, your profile thing, front page, search and next to it you have the notifications. If you click there you can see when your comments have been answered. Now i realize i don't know how are you going to manage to see this reply if you don't know how to :D

          • Bossman

            Yeah. Would be nice to get a little badge on the notifications button to let you know when you have some waiting. Might miss popups.

            • HeyYourself

              When you have notifications waiting the button turns white, while when you've already seen them it stays grey :)

            • dannycdannydo
              @HeyYourself -

              Should definitely be more noticeable. And if you could get a little notice in your browser tab that would be good as well.

          • Kayzaks (edited 9 years ago)

            I've been looking everywhere since yesterday for such a feature... Thanks for that Info!! :)

        • Arbituz (edited 9 years ago)

          I'm still trying to find a way to view users comments including my own. The closest thing I've found so far is to follow a user and their comments will show up in your home feed (the little house icon in the upper right).

          While the overwhelmed servers seem to be messing with it a little, your notification box should notify you when somebody replies to your comments. When someone replies, the little list icon in the upper right expands and notifies you of a reply. If you click it you can actually see your past notifications and links to your comments people have replied to.

          Edit: The user account I was using to try to find comments may just not have comments, but you can see user comments from their feed by going to Snapzu.com/username or clicking their name.

    • AxiosKatama

      While we are on the topic of slight quirks, is there any way that I can go to a random tribe? Or maybe some other method of discovering new tribes other than just guessing at their names in the URL bar?

  • itsthenewmeta

    The only problem is snapzu servers can't handle all the love

    • Arbituz

      I think that the invite system has really helped though. Look at Voat, it's dead in the water and missing it's opportunity to grow immensely. While the invite system does turn people away, hopefully when those users who requested a code get it they will come and sign up, even if the Reddit fires have burnt out.

      • Nerdeiro

        And they lost their Paypal account, which make Bitcoin their only funding method, so they are probably out of money to rent more servers.


        • Arbituz

          Yeah, that had to have hurt. For someone like me who has never used bitcoin and probably won't anytime in the future, I would have no way to donate to them. I wonder why these sites are no using crowd sourcing sites like Kickstarter? Something like that may not be a long term solution, but could help them get past the hump sudden increase in traffic with funds to upgrade the servers.

          • jmcs

            They can't use something like kickstarter for the same reason they can't use paypal. Those services need to follow a superset of the laws of all countries they operate on, which makes it impossible for them to work with sites that don't even follow the laws of the country were they are hosted.

      • Kiwikku

        Empeopled is doing OK.

    • bogdan

      There was some downtime for about 50 minutes, but now they're up and rocking again. I feel like this is much better handled than how some other places are doing it... pokes voat with a stick

    • HeyYourself

      Haha yes! Kind of laggy, but, who actually cares? I prefer this than seeing 20 swastikas and 100 pics of hitler on my front page everyday!

      • Holymanta

        Yeah seriously Poe's law never fails

    • massani

      It's a lot better today than it was last night, so that's a good improvement! I'm sure the holiday has decreased traffic as well, so admins can have a better chance of improving servers and whatnot.

    • ClassyCritic

      I think the invite system is a good way to help the servers, and leave people excited. In my case, I was looking forward to visiting, and I was really excited to get the invite.

  • Arbituz

    I'm in the same boat as you. Everyone seems really friendly and the general consensus even with new users here is to avoid disrupting the atmosphere. There's a lot of discussions in the lounge about how to best keep things the same while helping the site grow and this is great.

    I don't think I've seen a downvote on something that isn't spam so far which is kind of cool. The whole upvote/downvote idea is not meant to be about what you agree with and disagree with, it's about how good the content of the item is. So far Snapzu's community has done a great job in using it in this way. Hopefully things remain the same!

    Welcome to Snapzu!

    • FamousFellah

      I suspect the limited supply of downvotes helps. It's only 5/day for new users.

      • Arbituz

        I think it's such a good idea though. I mean, unless things get crazy and Snapzu is just bombarded with spam, you don't need to many more than that while the community is this small. So far I haven't really come across anything that needs downvoted.

        • HiddenSage

          To add to that, Snapzu's invite-only system should, in theory, limit the ability of spammers to exist here.

        • FamousFellah

          I absolutely agree with you.

    • Triseult

      I'm an ex-redditor and I really, really want to make Snapzu's "culture" thrive even though I'm new at it. This is a nice, shiny place, and I'm really hopeful the migrants won't ruin what seems like a fantastic little community!

  • kobayashimaru

    Seconded. Have been browsing a lot of great tribes already with cool atmosphere. Haven't seen any hate or anger, and no drama or uncalled for down voting. And the site is really beautiful and intuitive.

    • Stoic

      Thirded and it is not just Snapzu. Going to the other alternatives made me realize how toxic and hostile Reddit had become. Maybe it's because of the difference in size, where Reddit is like a large city where everyone becomes anonymous to subsequently bring the worst out of them. I don't know what it is, but I like it.

      • neurodvorak (edited 9 years ago)

        Exactly my feeling. I looked at Unidan's introduction at Voat last night and left that place with a sour taste in my mouth. Users seem oddly hostile and angsty for some reason.

        Snapzu is the just the right place. Clean and gorgeous. I am waiting happily to see the site grow with time!

        • frohawk

          What about Unidan??? I admit I'm not into Reddit like I used to be but I loved Unidan; they were so helpful and friendly!

          What happened?

          Man, this is like finding out Bill Nye the Science Guy kicked your pet or something.

          • jmcs

            Unidan created lots of alts and used them to upvote himself and downvote a guy that disagreed with him in a discussion about birds. He was shadowbanned and rightly so.

        • Kiwikku

          Where was the intro?

    • 990

      I'm new here and was wondering what are some good tribes?

  • Narwhal

    It is nice browsing a site that doesn't have a disgusting UI.

    • eikonoklastes

      The only need thing I still need is a night-mode though. Alas, I might have to go toy with Stylish or Greasemonkey myself.

      • picklefingers

        Somebody actually made a Stylish template for night mode a few weeks ago, but it was abandoned after a couple days.

        • eikonoklastes (edited 9 years ago)

          Neat, thanks for the heads up, I'll have a look at it later. Perhaps my shoddy understanding of CSS will be enough to get it working.

          Edit: Nope, works perfectly. Here's a link for anyone interested.

  • imnotgoats

    I'm really enjoying it so far. The layout is nice and clean and the people seem friendly. This looks like it might be a comfortable place to set up home.

  • fanficmistress

    I agree. I have been looking for this for awhile and I am so glad to be here now!

  • bogdan

    As a generally negative person, I really like the positive vibe coming from everyone around here. Thank you to the new users, who are helping promote it, such as yourself.

    • Schwut

      As a new user and a fellow generally negative person, I think that credit really should go to the users that have been around for a while. Positive attitudes are generally met with positive attitudes, and that's how this positive vibe was born.

    • bigkix

      My only concern right now that this community won't extremly size up like reddit. Because, with so many users, kids, angry people and what not, you couldn't even post anything slighty unpopular in general opinion while discussing a topic without beign downvoted to hell. This community so far seems laid back and upvotes/downvotes are distributed like they should be.

  • microfracture

    Agreed. I am really enjoying everything here so far as well.

  • Xeno


    Reddit has always had difficulty keeping my attention as a non-lurker. The posting limits, the community was all weird. Snapzu A+.

    • potateHoe

      And that you actually get to see a lot of differing opinions on topics! That's pretty refreshing to me (and that I was scared to post on reddit for fear of backlash).

  • sushmonster

    Agreed. It's so nice to see all the Snapzu love! :D

  • Grassgrows

    Very well said. It is a huge relief to be reminded that not everyone on the internet is a screaming child. I welcome us and sincerely hope we grow into a blooming, ever-growing community with the best content out there :)

  • bigkix

    I agree with everything that is being said, only two things that would make Snapzu experience 10/10:

    1. It's fairly slow, it should be a tad more responsive (don't know it this is because of the site programming or because of the overloaded servers) 2. Mobile app. That would just make the experience whole. A lot of users browse community sites through apps, just like Reddit. I've been browsing Snapzu on mobile whole day, and while it's managable, it's not nearly as good as browsing on a good mobile app.

    • TheGuyThatsMeh (edited 9 years ago)

      I was here for a little while before the influx, I found the site to be a little more responsive then. Then again, it might just be my imagination.

      • AdelleChattre

        Always responsive and rarely an outage, and even then mostly in the wee hours for site updates. It's a sign of how big the influx must've been that the lights dimmed and the timbers creaked the way they did. Calmer skies this morning.

  • Spooky

    Really amazing website. Thought I'd be missing reddit, but I'm really not.

  • StickyKees

    I love it here as well. I hope this place keeps being awesome, and that the congestion lets up. right now submitting things seems to be a bit slow.

  • frohawk

    Right? And I don't have to obsessively be on here all the time to know what's happening.

    It's all I wanted in a community.

  • kevino025

    I am having a great time here. So much easier on the eyes too

  • oldman1987

    I cant preview frontpage images with Imagus but i just changed the view to Mag instead of List. This site is a breath of fresh air.

  • Juka

    I agree with you op I feel the same way this community is very welcoming

  • iansane138

    I'm a new user myself, and I'm really digging the site (pardon the pun). I like the layout and how the profile and posts work.

  • Ladysfi

    This site is so much better than Reddit. I never talked because the silliest things get you downvoted into oblivion. I felt like a high school outcast within the first 3 days of joining. This site has been amazing, it is a little slow but you can tell the effort the admins are putting into this. Everyone has been so friendly and when I asked a completely dumb question today, people were helpful and responded very quickly. Including the admins. The only thing I am going back to Reddit for is nosleep. I would love to see a tribe started, but I just don't have time for something that will grow large.

  • Holymanta

    If this website had a night mode, I'd be here all day