potateHoe's feed
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Wow, that webpage was very nicely designed and easy to follow. Very nice find.
Posted in: What's Really Warming the World?
9 years agoComment potateHoe
I'm fairly decent at all the classes in TF2 except for demo, so this guy is craaazy good in my books.
Posted in: By far the best TF2 frag video in existence
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Whenever I see pictures like these, I always wish I could draw well enough to just draw whatever I envisioned.
Posted in: Samurai Wars, Star Wars Redesign
9 years ago
And all this happens within a matter of seconds? Geez, that's pretty sweet. It kinda makes me want to go and take extra classes of networking.
Posted in: Life as a community game server operator
9 years ago
Thank you! That sounds really hectic to have to deal with because of the cat and mousing. It also makes it more remarkable when you hear about Blizzard's or Microsoft's servers getting DDOSed to the point of failing. Pretty neat stuff :)
Posted in: Life as a community game server operator
9 years agoLevel Up potateHoe
Level 5
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9 years agoAchievement potateHoe
Chatter Box
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+2620 XP -
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Speaking as someone who isn't very knowledgeable about networking, how does one exactly mitigate a DDOS? Do you just tell them to shoo?
Posted in: Life as a community game server operator
9 years ago
Yeah that fellow definitely spiced up the colors lol. I love to think how every little speck in these pictures is a star though with planets and (hopefully) life staring up at the stars like us.
Posted in: Hubble view of Spiral Galaxy M 106
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Ya know, I see a lot of news about reddit and all, but to be honest I feel like anything they do is too little too late. I left because they obviously are crazy out of touch with the userbase and that turned me to here, snapzu. Which I quickly fell in love with because I feel like I can talk to others without fear of being downvoted to hell. I feel the admins here actually listen and are super active. So I'm never going back as far as I can tell.
Posted in: Reddit Bosses Are Doing Everything Wrong
9 years agoComment potateHoe
This is great news as well for self driving cars! However, I'm worried about the outdoors VR because I'll just look like an idiot running into trees and stuff.
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Now if only you could rig it to where the bits actually launched into the air like that one old game
9 years agoVideo/Audio potateHoe
A song with a melancholic tune to it
I discovered this song a while back when I watched the second season of Mushi-shi
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Man I completely agree, I've written so many rhetorical analysis papers that I get so bored with it. At first it's like "WOO I'M SMART AND I CAN RIGHT PRETTY" but now it's a drag.
9 years agoComment potateHoe
I feel like that must be absolutely terrifying. I mean one time I fish tailed while driving one snowy night and nearly pooped myself. Well this guy has taken flight, so I just can't imagine the terror.
Posted in: NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Crash
9 years agoLevel Up potateHoe
Level 4
potateHoe is now level 4 with 7,175 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement potateHoe
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations potateHoe on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Looks like it's in alpha?
9 years agoComment potateHoe
I love this sort of stuff because it's really neat to see just where evolution leads and how it solves problems. Very nice read as well!
Posted in: Why insects are marvels of engineering
9 years agoAchievement potateHoe
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations potateHoe on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoComment potateHoe
In the mornings in Traverse City (I'm talking 6:30 am) when I go out by the bay there's usually a heavy fog sitting over the water and the water reflects this white fog. It makes the boats sitting on the still waters look like they're parked on clouds, very dreamy and beautiful in my opinion.
Posted in: Sunset over Little Traverse Bay, Michigan
9 years agoComment potateHoe
To think that the ship has just been sitting there for over 700 years is remarkable.
9 years ago
Right at the bottom they had the source paper: here it is for you! :)
9 years agoComment potateHoe
Man, it's a really great place honestly. The admins are craaaazy active from what I've seen and that's probably the most refreshing thing ever. They very obviously care and I love it! I hope you love the place too :)
Posted in: This community though!
9 years ago
I completely agree, seeing dissenting opinions can expand your knowledge on a topic regardless if you agree or not.