
What's the last good horror movie you've seen?

What's the last good horror movie you've seen?

8 years ago by Zeus with 18 comments

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  • Zeus (edited 8 years ago)

    I just saw It Follows. Heard a lot of people liked it, but managed to avoid hearing why, which means I went in blind, just the way I like it.

    The movie was very well filmed. It tends to avoid jump scares in favor of an endlessly mounting sense of dread. The director has a way of forcing the camera into odd perspectives that really work. There were a couple of casting issues, but I actually really liked the kids. In fact, having seen this, I almost think they should get the It Follows director to remake Stephen King's It.

    If you'll notice, I'm sort of talking around the plot, but that's because I don't want to spoil anything. I think most people would enjoy watching it. There's a little gore, a few very "WTF!" shots, but nothing too terrible. Plus, the soundtrack, made by a videogame composer, has a whole Carpenter synth vibe.

    Anyway, the film has a neat premise, I cared about the characters, and I liked the ending, which means I'll be giving this 4/5 stars. Solid work!

    • drunkenninja

      I've seen this recently as well and thoroughly enjoyed it. Very good directing, decent cast and as you mentioned instead of an endless and annoying stream of jump scares the direction opted for building up the suspense over a series of scenes until the very end.

      • Zeus

        Yeah, it was like the director respects the audience. He skips the jump scares and over-explanations found in most Hollywood horror films, and instead goes for a lot of atmosphere.

      • secretcity

        I've heard other people saying this film is good too. I'll have to check it out. I love horror but it's not very often these days that a truly good horror film is released that isn't overdone gimmicks.

    • Henrysama

      I'd agree. I'm wasn't a fan of how they basically alluded to STD's throughout the whole movie but aside from that, I was pleasantly surprised at the camerawork, acting, and music.

  • massani

    Probably The Conjuring. I really went in expecting it to be good, but was pretty blown away by it. It blew away my expectations, but I think also I was completely zoned into it. I watched it at a friend's just a few feet away from a 60" plasma and the surround sound just behind me. I felt like I was inside the film sometimes and that definitely added to my experience. The building dread and creepy atmosphere really propelled it above most modern horror films.

    I've been meaning to watch The Babadook and It Follows but I've been too scared to lately, ha.

  • CluelessKiller

    I recently saw The Babadook. After seeing images of the film (mainly of the creature itself) I was fairly uneasy about watching it as I have never been the best with horror movies.

    However, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    The whole way in which the movie played up the horror was perfect for me. It isn't one of those films that bombards you with jump scares, but instead uses the atmosphere and tension to keep you on the edge as it all spirals out of control. I can see why it may not be for everyone, but I really believe it is worth a watch.

    • staxofmax

      I was going to mention this one too. I'd recommend this film to anyone who likes The Shining. Both have an oppressive atmosphere of mounting dread, claustrophobia, and flat out wrongness, as well as themes of mental illness and isolation.

  • NotWearingPants

    Not a genre I usually follow, but after reading people talk it up, I finally watched The Cabin in the Woods over summer break.

    • drunkenninja

      I really liked this movie, however I didn't find it as scary as many of the other horror flicks. Generally the film had a spoof vibe to begin with, which isn't a bad thing, it was a great flick and a lot of fun to watch.

  • dhpinkdh

    I still love John Carpenter's The Thing. No other horror movie comes close for me. It's an 80s horror film using prosthetics that have a similar look and feel to the original Alien. It was recently 're-made' as a prequel (Also called The Thing) in 2011, using CGI. There was controversy over this as they originally planned on using prosthetics to pay homage to the original film, but changed their mind halfway through filming. The team that was doing these effects are now creating a new film called 'Harbinger Down' that is basically a re-make of The Thing, on a boat, using these prosthetic effects - or 'practical creature FX' as they call them. Seriously, watch this movie without looking anything about it up before hand. I'm so jealous that you get to watch it for the first time.

    I am also very interested in watching It Follows and will probably do so after seeing more praise for it in this thread.

  • RoMS


    for many it is a bad horror movie. However, I quite liked it (as a Dead Space fan). The twist at the end was a brainfuck too.

  • gremlin

    The Ring.

    I know it is ancient, but I saw it last year or so. I was pretty impressed with it. The reason for that is that I thought that it had ended like a typical movie and all was well...

    • manix

      Skip the 2nd one. It's no where near as good imo

  • frohawk

    I habitually watch Ginger Snaps. When I first watched it, it scared the beejeebies out of me, but now that I'm a bit older, the slightly deeper message just give me this lingering sense of dread that really helps preserve the movie.

    Or maybe I'm just a typical cult fan.

  • mathematical (edited 8 years ago)

    I tolerate horror for my wife, but I have only enjoyed one: Cabin in the Woods. It's funny, interesting, and enjoyable. It barely counts as horror though. Luckily I hadn't seen previews, so I walked into the theatre being a dutiful significant other. Little did I know I was about to thoroughly enjoy the next two hours.