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  • 8 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    I love smelling like old books. There are many alternatives available in the indie perfume world as well, because some of the fragrances listed here and in similar articles are incredibly expensive. I will say that I've seen good reviews for Sweet Tea Apothecary, but these oils do not necessarily smell like 'books' per se. More like the interpretation of the authors for which they're named. If you're looking for the more literal notes of books (things like dry paper, ink, book bindings, must, etc), I don't think you'll find them at STA.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    Ugh. Frankly, many cosmetics companies (indie, especially) could potentially run the risk of contaminants. I've never used EOS and certainly won't now. But hopefully for the sake of their customer base, they will be able to identify the problem(s) and rectify them safely and in a timely manner.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    I found BPAL around the time that this interview was conducted, but honestly resisted falling down the BPAL hole until this year ;_; The video was interesting, especially the way Beth (the creator) views her company. BPAL did always seem so dark and edging on morbid. However, they have some perfectly lovely, lighter scents for those who aren't into the darker scents :)

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    In my life I've rewatched Terminator 2, Forrest Gump, and Lion King the most out of any other movie I've seen. These probably aren't even the greatest films ever, but man, there was just one summer as a kid where my brothers and I watched these three movies every single day for three months back to back. Never got tired of them.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    This is a fantastically relaxing song. I believe the BPM even slow down by the end so it's even more relaxing.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment secretcity

    I just spent 45 minutes looking through my past Tumblr likes for this. It needs to be updated to include season 10 but is still pretty accurate.

  • 9 years ago
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