
How do you take your morning coffee?

Sugar? Milk? Creamer? Chocolate? Cayenne pepper?

9 years ago by Konijn with 30 comments

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Conversation 9 comments by 4 users
  • spaceghoti

    I take my coffee with tea and a spoonful of honey, minus the coffee.

    • Gozzin

      :D...I love tea. What's your favorite?

      • spaceghoti

        It depends on my mood. I prefer green tea over black or white, but I'm also very fond of a good strong chai. Republic of Tea makes an excellent chai blend.

        • Gozzin

          I like both green and black and sometimes I mic them together. I've never had white.

          • spaceghoti

            I've found white to be...underwhelming. It could just be that I'm old and my tastebuds are worn out. ;)

    • Moderator

      Amazing. I'll have to give this a try. I usually add coffee to my milk, but this sounds like an upgrade.

      • Appaloosa

        In Hong Kong they mix coffee and tea together. The old shops brew the tea with what they call a sock, so it's super tasty.....and they mix in coffee. It's called Ying Yang....and it is awesome!

        • Moderator

          Would we also call it a sock? Very important. Pls respond.

          Lol it sounds very tasty. Plenty of Chinese establishments here in NYC so I will look for some! Are you from China/Hong Kong, btw?

          • Appaloosa

            Yes, you would find a tea sock in any search. I live in HK btw, from US originally.

            • Moderator

              Haha, I was making a joke about filtering tea through a sweaty sock :/

              That's very cool. China is at the top of my list of places to visit.

  • evade1

    Last night I dug what I thought was a spice rub out of the cupboard and started putting it on chicken. The aroma of coffee hit my nose and I realized that it wasn't a dark spice rub at all, but coffee. I rinsed my chicken, rubbed it properly, put the container of coffee on top of my coffeemaker. This morning I went to make coffee using the coffee I had discovered last night. After brewing, I walked over to grab a cup and the smell of BBQ infiltrated my nostrils. Turns out, at some point I had mixed a bit of spice rub with a bit of coffee accidentally (thinking they were both spice rubs) and last night I couldn't smell the spices because the coffee smell was so strong. Boy could I taste those spices, though. Ruined a whole pot of coffee.

    tl;dr learned this morning that BBQ spices and coffee do not mix

    • drunkenninja

      I can totally smell the bbq coffee you grilled, er I mean brewed :D

    • Cobbydaler

      Reminds me of something I did when very young. My Mom had a friend round for coffee and I offered to make it. I grabbed what I thought was a jar of coffee and spooned it out, added hot water. This was in the days when instant coffee was powder, not granules. I soon smelt that I had used gravy powder in place of coffee...

    • Gozzin

      Now that's an experience i hope I don't have..It's a great story to pass along though.

  • Autumnal (edited 9 years ago)



  • PeopleShelf

    Usually just black. If nutmeg is available I will have it black.

  • Splitfish

    Creamer usually covers all angles. I only drink coffee when I'm really tired though.

  • Konijn

    I'm quite boring when it comes to tastes. When I make my morning coffee, first I take one teaspoon of instant coffee and then I add boiling water and finish it off with a stir. No grounding, no french pressing, no added ingredients, just me and my black instant coffee.

    • Moderator

      You should open a cafe here in New York. The hipster baristas will despise you.

  • Kysol (edited 9 years ago)

    Instant: Black with a sugar.

    Known Cafe: Mocha no sugar.

    Unknown Cafe: Caramalized Mocha.

    FYI, Japanese Starbucks are amazing. I was there when they had Chocolate Pretzel Mocha for Valentines Day. It sounded not that great, but we were wrong.

    • Moderator

      It seems that the Asian versions of our western chains are so much better in every way.

  • picklefingers

    I almost never make my own. I generally stop by my local cafe and grab a caramel machiato with a double espresso shot,

  • drunkenninja

    I use a coffee grinder and freshly grind my beans daily, then use the french press which gives me about 3 cups worth. I use only 2% milk about 30'/70 split and no sugar. Comes out delicious every time.

    • Luke

      I once grinded my own beans, even roasted them at one point.

      But now I live in Bali - dairy is only imported. So I drink and love "bali Kopi" which is locally grown arabica beans , left over from the Dutch era. Its powder ground and dry - like turkish coffee. So now I am a straight up black coffee guy.

      Even when travelling , and stopping by a cafe I just get esspresso shots now. #dairyFree coffee . It all happened quiet naturally

      • drunkenninja

        I was never a fan of black coffee due to it giving me heart burn, I don't know what it is but drinking it black gives me stomach pains almost always.

  • caelreth

    Unless I make it with a french press or an Aero, I take mine with some sort of creamer. Most of the coffee I drink (at work) is from a standard coffee percolator and not terribly good, so it needs to be improved somehow.

  • Ajay

    When I'm at home: our espresso machine (capuccino).

    At school: a french press with enough milk to make it not black.

  • zenmusic

    Buy dark roast beans and grind 'em, two or three days' worth at a time. 20-year old Mr. Coffee cappuchino machine, steamer no longer works, brew pretty strong and a dash of 10% cream to take the edge off. Big cup, Ikea I think, was a gift...looks like an upside down beehive. Blue.

    No idea what my life will become when any of these elements changes...it's such a frame to my morning that I can't see beyond.

  • pixelboot

    whatever coffee is closest - black.

  • Gozzin (edited 9 years ago)

    Basic brewed coffee with real cream, a dollop of butter if I think about it,Stevia,a dash of cinnamon or apple pie spice and a generous bit of coco powder.