In Hong Kong they mix coffee and tea together. The old shops brew the tea with what they call a sock, so it's super tasty.....and they mix in coffee. It's called Ying Yang....and it is awesome!
Would we also call it a sock? Very important. Pls respond.
Lol it sounds very tasty. Plenty of Chinese establishments here in NYC so I will look for some! Are you from China/Hong Kong, btw?
Yes, you would find a tea sock in any search. I live in HK btw, from US originally.
Haha, I was making a joke about filtering tea through a sweaty sock :/
That's very cool. China is at the top of my list of places to visit.
In Hong Kong they mix coffee and tea together. The old shops brew the tea with what they call a sock, so it's super tasty.....and they mix in coffee. It's called Ying Yang....and it is awesome!
Would we also call it a sock? Very important. Pls respond.
Lol it sounds very tasty. Plenty of Chinese establishments here in NYC so I will look for some! Are you from China/Hong Kong, btw?
Yes, you would find a tea sock in any search. I live in HK btw, from US originally.
Haha, I was making a joke about filtering tea through a sweaty sock :/
That's very cool. China is at the top of my list of places to visit.