  • Moderator

    Amazing. I'll have to give this a try. I usually add coffee to my milk, but this sounds like an upgrade.

    • Appaloosa

      In Hong Kong they mix coffee and tea together. The old shops brew the tea with what they call a sock, so it's super tasty.....and they mix in coffee. It's called Ying Yang....and it is awesome!

      • Moderator

        Would we also call it a sock? Very important. Pls respond.

        Lol it sounds very tasty. Plenty of Chinese establishments here in NYC so I will look for some! Are you from China/Hong Kong, btw?

        • Appaloosa

          Yes, you would find a tea sock in any search. I live in HK btw, from US originally.

          • Moderator

            Haha, I was making a joke about filtering tea through a sweaty sock :/

            That's very cool. China is at the top of my list of places to visit.