
Snapzu, What is your personal meaning of life?

I want to make my mark in this universe. Not this planet but the universe. . May sound a little selfish but I don't thinks it's a selfish thing to want to do something important. To do something that will help the greater good. I want to make a difference. Hope to hear some interesting responses. Enjoy!

9 years ago by Csellite with 31 comments

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  • canuck

    I want to make my mark in this universe. Not this planet but the universe. . May sound a little selfish but I don't thinks it's a selfish thing to want to do something important. To do something that will help the greater good. I want to make a difference. Hope to hear some interesting responses. Enjoy!

    If you do manage to make a mark, you would be the first in all of humanity. So far the universe has felt us like we feel bacteria crawling on our skin. Your goal is an extremely optimistic one, lets hope you succeed!

    I think we are the universe experiencing itself, we are meant to just live life and enjoy this extraordinarily unlikely event that we have been presented with.

    • Csellite

      I appreciate this response a lot. I know my goal is a unlikely one but even if I could start something that builds and builds over millions of years that one day makes a difference. I realize we aren't even a speck of dust compared to whats out there and that we haven't even been around for a blink of an eye but humanity was gifted with such a beautiful brain and we have such potential. Just like you said we are the universe. We are made from star stuff as the great Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye say. "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars." So many quotes I know!

      • Rothulfossil

        That's my outlook on "leaving a mark" on the world. I don't want to gouge a crevice in the world with my name on it, I just want to be a spark for a wildfire.

  • BlankWindow

    There isn't one. There is zero meaning in my life and it has allowed me to explore all kinds of endeavors. Perhaps a wife and kids at some point, but time is short on that decision.

    • Csellite

      In a way I believe this as well. I am here on this earth for a very very small period and I plan on making the very best of my time.

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  • GeniusIComeAnon

    More than anything else, I just like to try new things; foods, sports, activities, cities, jobs. I'm not sure I would necessarily consider it my "meaning of" life, but it's certainly what I like to do with it.

    • Csellite

      If this is how you want to spend your life, this is your personal meaning! Exactly what i'm asking for. So try everything that you can and experience as much as you can!

    • geogrammer

      I'd spent some time thinking about this thread after seeing it yesterday and I think this would be the closest to my "meaning of life" too. It might not sound quite as profound or grandiose as something like "leaving your mark on the universe", but exploring new experiences just feels amazingly fulfilling.

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  • kreamy

    I don't think there's much meaning. But I try to be happy, and make others happy.

    • Csellite

      A great way to live your life! There is nothing wrong with plain simple niceness

  • Hydrax

    Life is short, just enjoy life and help others do the same.

    • eikonoklastes

      That's how I see it too. It's the perfect answer because of it's ambiguity. You can enjoy life however you want, go ice skating or eat a lemon, develop a warp drive or spend your days reading things on the internet - doesn't matter as long as you enjoyed your time. It literally doesn't matter. The important thing is that you shouldn't impact other people negatively.

      If you reduce it to the science behind it, the only goal is living until procreation, we were once simple self-replicating molecules and if I might say we've got the surviving part down quite well. We might need to find another planet sooner or later, but that's up to people way smarter than me. I'll just be taking it easy.

  • ToixStory

    To improve myself constantly, to be better today than I was yesterday, and tomorrow even better still. To make others feel better after meeting me than they were before, to be remembered by the people who matter to me. To live as though I'll never exist ever again, which is in all likelihood true.

  • idlethreat (edited 9 years ago)

    Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women, silly goose.

  • imokruok

    motivated by curiosity and angela lansbury. absurdism mostly.

  • xg549

    I don't care for legacy as I believe the whole of existence is something that just is - for no real reason at all. So there's no reason for me to leave an impact on a race that will ultimately go extinct like every other while the universe trudges on without batting an eye. For the same reason, I don't believe there is a solid meaning to life at all. Nor do I think there needs to be.

    That said, my personal meaning of life is utilitarian. I want to pursue and engage in activities that make me happy, and ensure that those around me, those in my life whom I care about, are just as happy as I am. That's all I really care about.

  • KingAztek

    To leave a net positive gain on this earth. My goal is to simply leave people happier than they were before they met me

  • wolfeater

    For me, it is a combination of making the best out of your own life while also doing as much as you can for others.

  • PETA (edited 9 years ago)

    Prevent Animal Sufferring

  • Odin

    To be happy and to make others happy.

  • exegesispieces

    To leave the world better than you found it. Even if it's a very meager improvement.

  • UberActivist

    IMO the meaning of life is to learn the fact that you shouldn't be a dick.

  • acidicwombat

    This is something that i think about a lot and I really can never come up with an answer. I can't even figure out what I want to do with my life as far as my education goes. Sometimes I get really anxious and I feel like I'll never amount to anything or make a significant impact on the world around me... But when push comes to shove not that many people do, and I believe that when I reach the end of my life I'll be perfectly happy with that. I help those that I can, be there for the ones I love and try to be the best version of myself.

  • oystein

    Be a good person. Improve the lives of others. Get some training in. Read a few good books.

  • spaceghoti

    To borrow from Henry David Thoreau:

    I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms.

    I haven't gone into the woods, nor have I lived so sturdily and Spartan-like, but my purpose is to come to the end of my life and discover that I have lived. That I have sucked out all the marrow of life. And in the process, to have left the world a little brighter than when I found it.

    • Csellite

      Haha thank you for quoting Thoreau! It's a truly amazing quote and a great way to live life.