PETA's feed
8 years agoComment PETA
These people should be hung drawn and quartered, such a sad story. Human lives for animal lives. Animal lives matter
8 years agoComment PETA
What an absolutely vile and disgusting man, that butterfly suffered god knows how much trauma. They should string him up and ban him from having contact with animals again!
When will disgusting people realise that Animals have feelings, pain receptors and families too.
9 years agoComment PETA
I can't believe people spend so much money on Charities for poor countries such as Africa, the USA, India and China when they could be giving to the RSPB, RSPCA, SSPCA and the Battersea dogs home
9 years agoComment PETA
Prevent Animal Sufferring
9 years ago
When you're fishing do you ever consider the physical and emotional pain of the fish, the feelings going through its mind as it's slowly suffocating after being removed from the water, the kin of the fish knowing their loved one will no longer be seen again?
9 years agoComment PETA
Yes, any pen which contains no animals.
Posted in: Do you have a favorite kind of pen?
9 years agoLevel Up PETA
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9 years agoComment PETA
I dream about life in a world where all animals and humans are free under the stars
9 years agoComment PETA
This is such a cruel photo, those poor fish, suffocating and on their way out of this world. RIP
Posted in: Nice haul