
What are some everyday warning / hazards that many people simply ignore?

I still don't understand why so many people don't care about putting on a seat belt, even for the short drives. Its proven to save lives so wear them people!

8 years ago by canuck with 52 comments

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  • captainjib

    A lot of people don't wear helmets, especially for shorter bike rides. You never know when something could surprise you and head injuries, even nonfatal ones, can affect you for the rest of your life. Helmets save lives!

    • Teska

      My husband is extremely vigilant about making sure everyone wears their helmets when we go out riding. Just got the little one a strider bike, but we got the helmet first. ;p

    • ainmosni

      If you're talking about bicycles, nobody cycles with a helmet around here (Amsterdam). Then again cycling is the main mode of transport here and the style of cycling is quite a bit different. See here for examples of what's different.

  • baron778

    Be careful on a ladder. Falls that look small can give you problems for the rest of your life.

  • Endymion

    Texting or even using your phone while driving. I see A LOT of people doing it everyday, I'm not exaggerating.

    • NotWearingPants

      My town recently outlawed those side-of-the-road mailboxes that are basically enclosed in a pile of bricks. Existing ones were grandfathered, but you can't replace them. They are car magnets for drivers texting.

  • taco

    The warning label on cookie dough that tells you to not eat it raw. I do what I want, warning label.

    • ColonBowel

      The box of Q-Tips says to not stick them in my ear...guess what...I DO! I live by my own rules.

      • Muffintop

        everybody does. that's what qtips are made for!

  • Shimmer

    Sunburns. Put on your sunblock, people!

  • Jupiter7

    This isn't quite that, but more people not realizing something is dangerous. Being "nice" on the roads, instead of following the right of way. Don't "be nice" to someone when driving (or as a pedestrian!) when you have the right of way. It's definitely more dangerous to be "nice", not to mention more time consuming because the people who are following the right of way are confused, because you aren't.

    • rosellem

      I remember reading one those kinda cheesy lists from a high school teacher of 100 things to remember in life. One of them was, "when you have the right of way, take it." Always liked that advice for life in general.

  • Pantera

    Don't talk to strangers. And here we are!

    • baron778

      ... in person. Over a monitor it's fine lol.

      • double2


        • baron778

          Yahoo chat is that way :P

      • Zerei

        In person too if you're not a kid. I guess the idea behind "Don't talk to strangers" is to avoid doing what they say, avoid going away with them and this sort of thing a kid might not be able to discern.

  • Pierogi

    Many people eat to fast or don't chew their food properly. Leads to indigestion, intestinal problems and choking (sometimes fatal).

    • Splitfish

      Guilty of the eating too fast part. And yes I've had a couple close calls.

  • Dernhelm

    Respiratory protection for any job with dust or pollutants. No sense in screwing your lungs up and getting a nasty disease later in life.

  • LimitedMind

    Wet floor signs... They're not there to keep you from messing the floor up.. They're there to keep you from busting your ass

    • ColonBowel

      I thought they were there to prevent costly litigation.

  • ColonBowel (edited 8 years ago)

    As a former US Marine and triathlete: PAIN. I was trained to ignore it. Recently, I was really sick, but I muscled through the pain. It wasn't until my SO took me to the ER that I realized how much of an issue it was. The doctors (yes, plural) told me not to let it get anywhere that bad. I could have potentially had some significant lifelong issues had I waited longer.

    Edit: I ended up having a week long stay at the hospital.

  • RoMS

    If you travel from any country where we drive cars on the right side of the road to a country where people drive on the left side, look right then left and not left then right like your parents probably taught you.

    It saved my life once.

    • Muffintop

      I've learnt to look both ways twice and only then make a move. Saves me the confusion of trying to figure out which way cars are coming from. Also, my town has loads of one way roads, I've witnessed people getting hit by a car because of this.

  • Pumpernickel

    Drinking enough water when taking pills; many of them can cause drug-induced esophagitis or worse if they have prolonged contact with your esophagus.

    • Teakay

      Crap, Aleve is on that list. I usually take Tylenol, but when I need to hit my headache with extra force to try to prevent it from becoming a migraine, I'll usually take Aleve as well. I guess I know not to skimp on the water when I take it from now on!

  • Bunnyrabbit

    Using frayed or damaged electrical cords, chargers or extenders. I get that you're probably not going to die of electric shock, but you might still burn the house down.

    • archaeme

      My dad just ends up wrapping the fray with tape. Not entirely sure if it's still unsafe but so far nothing major has happened.

  • Inconceivable

    Alcohol and Aspirin. While death would solve the hangover problem, it's a long con and kind of disruptive to other plans.

    • Muffintop

      isn't that supposed to be paracetamol? aspirin should be fine.

      • Inconceivable

        My bad. while aspirin and alcohol can cause stomach bleeding, it's alcohol and acetaminophen that can damage the liver.

        Either way, be careful with mixing alcohol. "Bloody fool, you should never mix your drinks!"

  • fred

    Apparently 5 Gallon buckets have a warning on them to keep ya kids away from them because drowning.

    Additionally lawn mowers have warnings not to tip them onto their side and use them to trim hedges.....

  • phosphorescent

    Turning into the closest lane when driving. People rarely do it, and at large intersections (especially stop signs) it can throw you off quite a bit.

    Since I'm talking about driving, random lane changes. If you're doing 50 and I'm doing 60 and you come into the left lane to pass, that's good and fine, but signal so I can start to slow down and not have to suddenly brake. I don't know how common it is other places, but where I live people rarely signal for changes.

  • zaywolfe

    Using Q-tips to clean your ears.

  • Fooferhill

    Ejecting their USB before taking it out of the computer. People can't spend a few more moments.

  • cunt

    Drinking too much alcohol, drinking is fun and can be a social event to remember but drinking to excess is dangerous.

    Life isn't a Film