merk's feed
9 years ago
in high school there was one guy who had an iphone 4s and an iphone 5 at the same time (5 was the most recent at that time). He used one to listen to music and the other one to text, to have a reason to show off...
9 years ago
yes, but you shouldn't stay in toplane for too long since it gives drake up.
Posted in: Ask General/Botlane Questions.
9 years ago
I haven't seen any heimerdinger support in a long time but I think you can beat him with hard engage support like leona, thresh, nautilus. One major thing is to be aware of his turrets. Only enter their range if you are willing to go all in, they are a pain to deal with even as a ranged support (they are just too tanky T_T).
Heimer lacks mobility and hard engage, he can only poke and counter engage. He is squishy, so he should be an easy kill if he walks up too far.
That means you could also go for a sustain heavy route. Sona might even outdamage him so I would try to play her. I think Soraka can hit his turret from far away with her starcall so this could actually be a good lane for her. She is a very strong champion that is hold back by a bad laning phase but since heimer can't / shouldn't be able to CC Soraka that lane should be good for her.
In teamfights you should try to kite his team since his turrets are stationary. Getting Locket of the Iron Solary is a very important buy for any support against Heimer. It helps your whole team to deal with his sustained damage.
show morePosted in: Ask General/Botlane Questions.
9 years agoAchievement merk
Chatter Box
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9 years ago
I get what you are saying, being the utility guy sucks if no one uses all the utility you bring to your team. I suggest to play support champions that can also deal damage on their own. My favourite damage dealing support is Annie. Her base damage is high enough to get kills in lane and snowball without being the one who lasthits.
Another tip if your adc is useless: Go roam and feed your midlaner.
Posted in: Ask General/Botlane Questions.
9 years agoComment merk
I had a lumia 920 which was my first smartphone. I don't think windows phones are dead but they probably won't grow anymore. at least not in the west, afaik they are rising in africa and asia.
That said after I discovered that Microsoft also benefits from a strong androi marketshare I lost faith in their ecosystem. They didn't push their own services on their own mobile devices hard enough either. Youtube vs Windows Phone was also a burden (not sure what has changed)
The whole buying Lumia move surprised me when they first announced me but this seems to be the end of windows phone.
Posted in: Did Microsoft just give up on Windows Phone?
9 years agoLevel Up merk
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9 years ago
yes it is stupid. but I don't expect anything else from the British government after they block porn (and many more) websites. They also have the right to put you in jail if you don't tell the police (or was it judge?) your passwords to all your devices/accounts.
9 years agoComment merk
I can't imagine many jobs that would really benifit from google glass. Not sure if that rebirth is gonna be successful
Posted in: Google Glass Is Alive
9 years agoText Post merk
Ask General/Botlane Questions.
7 comments in posted into
9 years agoComment merk
Diamond 5. I play support 80% of the time. If you have any questions about supporting feel free to ask, I try to answer as well as I can.
General tips: Don't blame teammates, there is always something you could have done differently/better. While I agree wards are gold spent very well, don't die to place that one deep ward down, it is not worth it. If possible, ask your teammates to come with you if you want to ward deeply. Or do it when you KNOW you can't be caught (e.g.: jungle top, you see that mid recalled and you see both botlaners bot. )
The one thing I am activly trying to improve is my use of F2-F5 to monitor my teammates and how their lanes go.
9 years agoComment merk
I have seen him only three times so far so I have no real grasp on his balance state. One of those games was in support <30 area, another was top in silver elo and the last time I was playing him support on my main (only a normal so roughly plat elo).
I think his kit is very interesting with tons of outplay potential. There is a lot you can do with eating mechanic. I do think his ultimate in itself is pretty broken. It is like a two man TF ult that can bring someone like Amumu, Galio or similar AOE CC champs in. It also enables Tahm and his adc to rotate/gank mid in no time.
When I was facing top Tahm he felt weak, but I was playing Kayle so he didn't have a good matchup. He still managed to solokill me once after I disrespected his damage output and did not ult myself in time.
About that grey health problem: I had that too, but it is mainly due to being a new mechanic. It kinda is the same as blackshield, just different in color. Once you get used to grey health you should be fine.
Again, I am not sure about his numbers, but his kit is great.
show morePosted in: Current thoughts on Tahm Kench?
9 years ago
I imagineI would also help against vote manipulation
9 years ago
I tried it with strangers and it is 10x more friendly than written ingame chat. I was just surprised riot is backing them with this amount of money after they have been fighting it when it first got out.
9 years agoCurrent Event merk
Riot Games invests $30 million in Curse to help online gamers talk
Los Angeles video game company Riot Games has invested $30 million in Curse, a voice-communication platform that enables online gamers to talk to each other while they play.
9 years agoText Post merk
Hi Snapzu
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9 years agoLevel Up merk
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9 years agoComment merk
I agree their products are pretty good. I personally don't like their icon, but that is hardly a reason to change the brand name. I think a little change is good for them though. After all they are competing with companies like Razer, Roccat, Corsair who probably all got more young fans (due to their aggressive gaming branding).
Posted in: Logitech attempts an image makeover
9 years agoComment merk
I am actually sorry for many Europeans who fell victim to her politics. Not only is she making mistake after mistake in German politics, her crisis management is aweful too. All it really is is staying quiet untill the storm is over and then do what she thinks will let her stay chancellor. It seems like she never tries to fight for Germany's own interest.
That said what she did to Greece was even worse. Telling that country to save money instead of investing it to keep the economy rolling in an economic crisis destroyed Greece.