Text Post: Current thoughts on Tahm Kench? posted by Fuyu
  • merk

    I have seen him only three times so far so I have no real grasp on his balance state. One of those games was in support <30 area, another was top in silver elo and the last time I was playing him support on my main (only a normal so roughly plat elo).

    I think his kit is very interesting with tons of outplay potential. There is a lot you can do with eating mechanic. I do think his ultimate in itself is pretty broken. It is like a two man TF ult that can bring someone like Amumu, Galio or similar AOE CC champs in. It also enables Tahm and his adc to rotate/gank mid in no time.

    When I was facing top Tahm he felt weak, but I was playing Kayle so he didn't have a good matchup. He still managed to solokill me once after I disrespected his damage output and did not ult myself in time.

    About that grey health problem: I had that too, but it is mainly due to being a new mechanic. It kinda is the same as blackshield, just different in color. Once you get used to grey health you should be fine.

    Again, I am not sure about his numbers, but his kit is great.