
Hi Snapzu

Hey Snapzu,

after recent reddit drama I decided I want to try a different link aggregator. I really like Snapzu's design, and here I am.

My name is merk, I am a twenty year old engineering student from Germany. I am interested in a variety of things, e.g. politics, economics, gaming, new tech, architecture...

I hope this is the right community for me, best regards, merk

9 years ago by merk with 3 comments

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  • ClarkKent

    I like you already, you will be suited good right here in the land of the love! :)!

  • VoyagerXyX

    Welcome to Snapzu! :D Glad to have ya, make yourself at home with us!

  • neg8ivezero

    Welcome! Glad to have you in the community!

    I too came from Reddit seeking another link aggregator and instead I found a wonderful, warm, welcoming, and conversational community. This place is, IMHO, so much better than Reddit ever was (even before the great Digg migration!). There are some really key differences between Snapzu and Reddit and I found that some of them were less than obvious so here are some things that might help:

    1. Ask lots of questions. People here are happy to help, don't be afraid to ask.

    2. Read through the FAQ and the Site Rules to get a good feel for how the site operates and what guidelines you should follow.

    3. Be active. One GOOD thing we can bring with us from Reddit is our participation and original content. Start messing around with "snaps," and get involved in some of the tribes here, we can really add a lot of content if we all start contributing :)

    4. The down vote arrow is super serious here. Only down vote if the content violates the terms of use, is spam, or is not relevant.

    Thanks for saying hello!