Post Overview
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9 years ago+2 2 0Abuse Singed Freelo when 5.13 rolls out
While everyone makes a big deal about overpowered Yi's, Xins, and Warwicks, you'll be climbing the ranks with Singed. Why? Singed has always been known for his absolutely retarded lategame. He does so much damage, flings the ADC, and takes no damage. With the new 5.13 update, he's getting nothing but buffs. Not only does he now have a 2, YES 2 SECOND root, (and laugh during a fling), basically every single core item that he uses has been buffed, drastically. At a full build, he will have nearly 100 more AP than usual, and ON TOP OF THAT, he now has access to a 40% slow from his gas because of the buffs of Rylai. This is literally, THE BIGGEST NINJA BUFF, of all time.
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9 years ago+2 2 0Put comments and parents with your replies on them at the top of the thread
It will only be visible at the top for you. Let's say you make a comment. It will be at the top, for you to easily view replies and answer them. Any other comments that you reply to, they will also be pushed to the top.
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9 years ago+2 2 0Snapzu "Badges"
Snapzu Badges can be awarded to fellow Snapzu users for a set amount of cash, I'm thinking around $5. These badges grant a large amount of XP, (maybe 5000?).
These badges will also show up on your profile, and you can see how many badges a person has owned for their account lifetime.
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9 years ago+6 6 0Anyone else having to log in again and again?
I tick the "Remember Me" box every time, but every time I reopen my browser, i need to relog. It only happens with this site.
Current Event
9 years agoCurrent Event+18 18 0Amazon's New "Prime Day" will be better than Black Friday
Amazon is turning 20 next week, and to celebrate the online retail site is launching Prime Day, a global shopping extravaganza for Prime members.
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9 years ago+8 8 0I just verified my e-mail and it gave me this message on Snapzu PM
Thank you for taking the time to verify your account. Below is a quick list of the things you can do now that your email is verified.
• You can now up/down vote snaps, comments and other contributions. • You can post your own links, pics, videos and all sorts of other content for the community to see. • You can engage in discussions with other members. • You can follow other members to include their posts/comments in your feed. • You can join tribes and even start your own.
There's only one issue: I was already doing all of these things before I verified my e-mail. Is this a bug?
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9 years ago+16 16 0TBH, I feel like lounge shouldn't be on the frontpage
The lounge is basically like the "general discussions" of Snapzu. I feel like this should be a more private sub where the USERS chat and share. Anything on the front page, IMO, should be content for everyone, including lurkers.
To add on, if we push Lounge off of the front page, we can get more higher quality interesting content on the front page.
Current Event
9 years ago+91 93 2 x 1Donald Trump is surprised his racist remarks received so much business backlash
The 2016 GOP candidate says that his presidential run has been "bad for my brand"
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9 years ago+3 3 0What's your rank? Share your tips with others in ranked!
I'm Gold 4, and one big tip for you guys is to always be patient in teamfights. Don't go for that kill as soon as you see it, and wait and observe and make sure you are safe before engaging.
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9 years ago+11 11 03 user-friendly changes
Comments should show their upvote/downvote score without having to move your cursor on it.
The font for the site need to be more darker and bolder. I always like Reddit's font because it was very easy to read and was very "neutral". The font used on this site looks a bit too "modern" and this focus on design takes away from clarity and visibility.
Whenever you post, a little experience notification is shown on the top. You can automatically close it, and it autocloses in about 3 seconds. I think the close button should be removed, and the autoclosing time is reduced to 1 second. Making a post and having that notification pop up gets annoying very fast, and the close button is just an extra step.
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9 years ago+2 2 0/t/nosleep
A place to share your horrifying stories.
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9 years ago+3 3 0Is there any place where I can file some suggestions?
I've got a few suggestions for Snapzu, and I was wondering where it would go. Here are two that I think are a must: 1. Comments should show their upvote/downvote score without having to move your cursor on it. 2. The font for the site need to be more darker and bolder. I always like Reddit's font because it was very easy to read and was very "neutral". The font used on this site looks a bit too "modern" and this focus on design takes away from clarity and visibility.