Located 5961 results from search term 'Ask Pony Blog'
Commented in DNC hacker Guccifer 2.0 is reportedly a member of Russian military intelligence
Guccifer 2.0 is old news. This from April of last year.
Commented in Scoop: Little Caesars Has a Patent for a Pizza-Making Robot
Maybe we can ask the robot to make recursive pizza (pizza topped with smaller pizzas topped with smaller pizzas etc.).
Commented in Oakland coffee shop says it's keeping the peace by not serving cops
Controversial assumption. Not one that OPD would agree with, either. Policing in Oakland: at least it's not boring.
Commented in Advertisers ask YouTube to pull ads from Alex Jones' channels
I think you are attributing a conscience to corporations. "Good corporate citizenship" is like "Trust me" from a politician. They hope you'll be dumb enough to believe it.
If tit was about conscience, they wouldn't have advertised there in the first place, or dropped it long ago. It's about money., as always. They fear the loons making a fuss on social media, but virtue signalling to them isn't going to gain net customers.
Ask Papa Johns how that worked out.
Commented in Video game industry says it will meet with Trump this week to discuss violence
While they are there perhaps they can bring up violence happening in the real world, like in schools, or different places like the Middle East, I mean since they'll be there why not ask, right?
Commented in Google Maps is Different in Other Countries
To ask the question that the US government asked of Kapersky:
If the US government leaned on Google hard enough would Google not do what they were told?
Commented in Scientifically Speaking Which Is Better, Male or Female Orgasms?
I don't dare ask...but I don't think I ever had an orgasm I didn't like!
Commented in FCC Boss Ajit Pai’s Own Agency Is Investigating Him For Potential Corruption
There are two basic ways corporations can take advantage of politicians’ prostitution tendencies: (1) if they’re only kinda willing to sell their asses for money, they can keep buying them using some money for some time; (2) if they’re extremely eager to give their asses away, they can just wave money in front of their faces and ask for everything they can possibly do to help.
Most current politicians are somewhere in between (sadly, number (1) is the best we can hope for nowadays in terms of integrity). Ajit Pai is number (2) on steroids, and doesn’t even care to hide it. I’m not even sure that comparing him to a prostitute is fair to prostitutes.
Commented in Germany considers making public transport free to fight air pollution
All true. My point was, "Free" sounds great, everybody like "free" stuff.
My taxes are already paying for the bonds that built municipal mass transit infrastructure. Is it too much to ask that the people that use it pay for ongoing costs, or do we lay that off on the public at large as well?
Can I have a free car?
Commented in Germany considers making public transport free to fight air pollution
Freeways aren't free. You saying there's something wrong with freeways? Lighthouses, buoys and harbors don't build themselves. Should we not have public roads, airports, shipping lanes, or global communications links unless there's a little Monopoly man with top hot, tails and a monocle collecting a shiny silver coin for every toll? Public postal service, public libraries and schools, public health and code inspectors, public fire police and medical services, aren't all these investments we make as a popular government in a democratic society? I don't have kids. Doesn't mean I'm getting nuffing out of my taxes funding public schools. How much do you have to love pollution for its own sake to mind making somewhat less if that were readily possible? Ask me what's worse, your habitat rapidly becoming uninhabitable or somebody rides the bus without paying fare now and again somewhere in this world, I know where I'm going to come down on that.
Commented in How to Hire a Cartoonist to Make Your Blog Less Boring
I happen to be a cartoonist. I have my blog here: www.patreon.com/giurokozmos
Commented in Ironists of a Vanished Empire
As a resident of ex-Austria-Hungary and half Jewish I am always glad to see essays on that strange period - Franz Joseph I and his wife Sisi are protagonists in my blog under construction too (Wittgenstein, Canetti, Musil and the rest mentioned int he article are my favorites too.)
Commented in Biden: McConnell Refused To Sign Bipartisan Statement On Russian Interference
It does seem a presumption to me to expect hearsay from people chosen secretly can satisfactorily corroborate claims alone. As if that can't affect the truth rather than, say, can't help but do so. Let's say for instance confidential sources for a given article happened to've been Lt. Gen. James Clapper Jr, Ret. and Adm. Mike Rogers, both which are neo-Cold War fanatics that have been directors at NSA. These inveterate liars perjure themselves before Congress and the American people as a matter of course. What haven't they lied about on CSPAN video and gotten away scot-free with? Ask Ed Snowden and Thomas Drake. I'm all for deliberative theater but of all the people I'd least trust to gin up a Congressional witch hunt for an "enemy within," it'd probably be these particular longtime confidential sources. I don't mind the mainstream press are stenographers, I just mind the lazy ones. This is how we get Judith Millers. We'll see this drag out until the next election, and the one after that. Or are we still pretending RussiaGhaziPalooza's going to come to a point? Clinton 2020? The Second Crimean War? Nuclear Winter? The rise of the squid?
Commented in Amazon Go Cashierless Convenience Store Opening to the Public
Almost everything. Still, Amazon may be onto something with a store crammed full of free stuff you help yourself to. Not having any employees makes it a "platform," see? Take that, losses due to employee theft.
Commented in Amazon Go Cashierless Convenience Store Opening to the Public
I totally agree. And of course I ask the question I always ask when this sort of thing comes up,which is:"How will people be able to afford smart phones,much less shop at your place when virtually everything becomes automated? Will everyone get a money tree??
Commented in Why I Would Be Happy if Professional Blogs Died Tomorrow
I disagree mainly on the fact that every blog is different and has different people writing on them. Some good, some bad. It's a mixed bag.
Commented in How countries around the world translated Trump
Don't worry....after 50 you wake up even happier than the day before. Don't ask me how it works. I think Neil deGrasse Tyson will cover it on one of his new episodes.
Commented in Why Scientists Think a Tax on Junk Food is a Splendid Idea
Just an FYI, at McDonald's they will put Mac Sauce on anything if you ask them, so order 2 McDoubles for 3.00 and add mac sauce to them, there's a 3 buck Big mac.
Commented in Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries
But... but.. but Obama wore a tan suit this one time! And this other time he ordered a hotdog and had the balls to ask for elist dijon mustard! Sigh I have no idea what is going on anymore.
Commented in “Swatting” didn’t kill a man, police did
The cops turn up to a swatting, in force, armed and armored. No matter what is happening at the gig, they are safe. They are certainly safe from a man in the open with a pistol. Even if one cop gets injured, the guy with the pistol is dead. The trouble is that if anyone fires a shot, and it's usually the cops, the civilian is also dead. The cops really have nothing much to fear and need to ask questions first before shooting. If they show up and shoot someone without asking any questions, it is murder.
Commented in The inventor of Linux is furious at Intel
He's right though, read the intel's response. They don't say anything, at all. It's great PR, but if you're looking for a fix you'd be very annoyed.
Besides this article kind of makes it sound as if Linus just found out about this -- they've been working on fixes for this for months in silence & secrecy, trying to push fixes through as fast as possible and clean up the mess that Intel made. And then they say ridiculous things that don't amount to anything, promising fixes where there can't be any.
By the way here's a great blog post that was one of the first to kind of put things together, and notice something was up; its predictions were a bit off but it was a good start.
Commented in How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America
You're stretching my words farther than I intended them to go. When things are difficult, it's always easiest to blame the previous generation(s) than to do something about it. It bothers me to hear and read millennials complaining about how hard life is, instead of taking action to change things. Where are the throngs of millennials in Washington protesting? Why do they continue to buy shit from big corps instead of coming up with ways to boycott them? Why do they continue to fight fabricated wars and do nothing to oppose them, which at least the early baby boomers tried to do? Writing blog posts about how baby boomers screwed the economy is not going to solve anything.
It's the defeatist attitude in these articles that gets me. Young people are supposed to be drivers of change, not just people who sit around complaining. That's supposed to be the older people.
Commented in How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America
I'm sure blaming your parents is going to fix the country. Keep doing that.
In case you want to listen. the problem is not your parents, it's the billionaires who sold the American people the idea that unbridled, reckless greed is the best driver of economic growth, and should always be praised and never criminalized. This has nothing to do with a particular generation, in fact, if you ask me, the baby boomers did much more than you to resist it.
I know I've said this before, but fighting each other is exactly what the government, read the rich, want us to do. Try to budget some neurons away from your smartphone to focus on who the real enemy is.
Commented in An experienced butcher admits: “When we see cancer in the pork, we just cut it and still sell it to customers”
There is rather a lot of Attribution missing in this, doncha think? A bunch of unsourced blanket statements made in a blog do not a News Article make. It's also not in proper form for an Opinion Piece.
Commented in The Creator of Signal Has a Plan to Fix Cryptocurrency
Just saw this on HN, and tried submitting it myself. I like his approach to security, although he sometimes gets flak for solving ridiculously detailed fringe cases/problems, instead of focusing on bigger UX issues. But I tend to disagree, if anything he shows that having airtight privacy (as far as possible) is not only doable, it's something you can make without leading to user frustration (PGP anyone?).
The ultimate goal: To make MobileCoin as intuitive as any other payment system.
I hope this works out for them. And that the SGX solution works. It looks promising (read Signal's announcement blog on how they use it, it's thorough but mostly understandable with little background knowledge).
Goldbard and Marlinspike envision it first as an integration in chat apps like Signal and Whatsapp
As predicted years ago by internet commenters, since asian chat apps have had this for a while. I wonder if it'll take off much here in the Netherlands, or the west in general.
Article ends with him saying that people don't really use cryptocurrencies (imo & limited understanding they're assets, or at least used that way), but he's hoping they'll still be somehow used. I could envision this happening if it were somehow linked to a bank account, so you don't need to exchange banking details or something? Seems like they'll have to think of a way to overcome that issue though.