• ohtwenty

    Just saw this on HN, and tried submitting it myself. I like his approach to security, although he sometimes gets flak for solving ridiculously detailed fringe cases/problems, instead of focusing on bigger UX issues. But I tend to disagree, if anything he shows that having airtight privacy (as far as possible) is not only doable, it's something you can make without leading to user frustration (PGP anyone?).

    The ultimate goal: To make MobileCoin as intuitive as any other payment system.

    I hope this works out for them. And that the SGX solution works. It looks promising (read Signal's announcement blog on how they use it, it's thorough but mostly understandable with little background knowledge).

    Goldbard and Marlinspike envision it first as an integration in chat apps like Signal and Whatsapp

    As predicted years ago by internet commenters, since asian chat apps have had this for a while. I wonder if it'll take off much here in the Netherlands, or the west in general.

    Article ends with him saying that people don't really use cryptocurrencies (imo & limited understanding they're assets, or at least used that way), but he's hoping they'll still be somehow used. I could envision this happening if it were somehow linked to a bank account, so you don't need to exchange banking details or something? Seems like they'll have to think of a way to overcome that issue though.