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Published 7 years ago by LisMan with 9 Comments

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  • Maternitus

    I woke up grumpy, like any near fifty person, but this post changed my day. :-)

    • Appaloosa

      Don't worry....after 50 you wake up even happier than the day before. Don't ask me how it works. I think Neil deGrasse Tyson will cover it on one of his new episodes.

      • Maternitus

        Yeah, being thankful for waking up is a phase I have not arrived yet. I have been there, though, do not worry. As a foretaker, just a few samples. :-) Anyways, my country is a western country, so not on the shithole list, but I think it should be at least nominated for it. Where can I apply?

        • tranxene

          But Belgium has made it on the hellhole list


          • Maternitus

            Hahahaha! Sweet. That's gonna save a lot of bureaucracy and lobbying. But isn't a "hellhole" worse than a "shithole"?

            • tranxene

              Interesting question...

            • Appaloosa
              @tranxene -

              You too are an artist I see.

            • tranxene
              @Appaloosa -

              I think that an artist is someone who shows/shares his qualities with others, so that makes me an artist, aren't we all?

            • Maternitus
              @tranxene -

              That's a very broad interpretation, but yes, there's something to say for that. It's selfexpression, that's for sure. :-)

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