cmagnificent's feed
9 years agoCurrent Event cmagnificent
Vice Asks Foreign Offices What They Think About America
From Australia to Sweden, on the 4th of July, Vice asked their foreign offices what they thought of the United States.
9 years agoText Post cmagnificent
Tribe Talk Wishlist
8 comments in posted into
9 years ago
I never personally used it, no. That was one of the ones people seemed fond however.
9 years ago
Uhm I did, but that's because I have the "learn by breaking things" mentality, but I could have easily set up anything Arch based to run steady for me with minimal configuration issues. I just elected to continually try fucking with everything. Is Manjaro still Arch based, I'm so out of the loop...
9 years ago
Ill spent days of my youth you're talkin' about there. That being said, the tiling window managers were never something I could really get into. Don't get me wrong, I tried a bit, but in the end I decided that I personally didn't want to mess around with a bunch of configs to get them to do what I wanted them too, so I don't really know of too many distros that come with tiling WMs as they weren't really my cup 'o tea.
That being said, I've heard awesome things about Awesome WM (God I'm clever). And Enlightenment has some tiling like elements but can't really be considered a true tiling WM. It's been a couple of years since I've messed with a bunch of this stuff, so take anything I say with a grain of salt as the situation has probably changed considerably since I was really into it.
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9 years ago
I liked them all for different things. Elementary is stable as fuck and that's always nice. Bodhi was extremely lightweight and Enlightenment window management system is really feature rich. Chakra was cool because it was based off of Arch so you could get some rolling-release goodness with KDE packaged in.
It really depends on what you want, but for a day to day OS I think reliability trumps "fun to play with" and out of the three would vote for Elementary.
9 years agoComment cmagnificent
I've messed around with Bodhi, Elementary and Chakra a bit in the past and all of them were fun.
9 years ago
Well, there's a very different culture surrounding the down vote here as well. Unless the content explicitly violates the sites or tribe's rules, even if you don't personally like the content, you don't down vote it. The button should be used extremely sparingly and only in cases of spamming/trolling/harassment etc.
9 years ago
Well, the problem is the site also outlines that they will not tolerate racism and hate speech and fat people hate, has the word hate right in the goddamn name and it's targeted at a very specific group of people. I would say that regardless of anything else, that alone should bar that community from being here in the first place. The bottom line, and to reiterate it once again, is that the snapzu team has outlined that that isn't the kind of thing they want here, and that's been their policy since well before snapzu became known as a "reddit alternative".
Now, instead of accepting and understanding that is this site's policy, there are many redditors showing up her complaining that snapzu not upholding their individual interpretations of free speech. You're not doing this, you're having a polite and civil conversation about it, but there have already been comments crying "censorship" and disparaging snapzu for not honoring a commitment snapzu never made.
The driving issue is not whether or not it might be possible for FPH to work with the rules, etiquette and TOS outlined thusfar, it's that it is very obvious the admins don't want it on their site and majority of the snapzu community doesn't want it here either and many of the reddit refugees are here to escape that kind of toxicity and drama associated with it. It really is that simple. People who want to establish a new FPH can go to a site that will allow them to do it and honestly, more power to them, but I won't be going to that site. One of the reasons I chose snapzu was the specific forbidding of hate groups and one site refusing to allow them here does not constitute "censorship". Just like a church saying you can't burn a cross on their front lawn isn't "censorship". It's a private community of individuals who don't want to have to deal with that kind of thing.
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9 years agoComment cmagnificent
I'm not sure if this is what you're asking for specifically, but to the right on the bar at the top of your screen, there's an icon that looks like a list. If you click that it gives you your full notifications which includes each time someone replies to one of your comments. When you have a new notification it turns white instead of grey.
I think it could be a little more inuitive. Like when your avatar pic gets a numerical notifier when you get a new message, I think the notifications feed could use the same thing.
Posted in: Question about replies
9 years agoComment cmagnificent
Welcome and you should post your new tribe over to /t/newtribes! Enjoy your stay, check out the faq, the stickies in the lounge etc etc.
Posted in: Hello /t/lounge! I'm NameTaken!
9 years agoLevel Up cmagnificent
Level 8
cmagnificent is now level 8 with 31,985 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 7.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 70.
- List Submission The maximum amount of items you can submit to a unique social list has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years agoAchievement cmagnificent
Video Vigilante
Published 2/2 video snaps! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!
+1880 XP -
9 years agoVideo/Audio cmagnificent
The Raincoats - Lola
Post-punk group The Raincoats covers the classic by the kinks for extra gender-bendy goodness!
9 years ago
Looks like someone finally did get around to creating /t/nosleep. Not very active yet (read: at all) but hey, it exists!
9 years ago
Snapzu still has less than 20,000 users and of those, who knows how many are actually active. You've just run into someone that's a fairly active user that happens to frequent the same areas as you. Maybe you should be friends?
9 years ago
Voat's paypal account was limited, forcing voat to remove some of the seedier subs. (jailbait clones seemed to be the main ones).
Otherwise I'm pretty sure OP is just making a general statement about the cultural atmosphere here where down voting is rarely used.
9 years agoConversation cmagnificentThis comment has gained traction and has turned into a conversation.
What would be the benefit? Right now usernames are anonymous (not publicly tied to the name of the account holder) so I don't see what this would do but essentially give people the opportunity to troll or spam without recrimination.
View Conversationoriginating in [Feature] Semi-Anonymous Posting (8 replies)
9 years agoAchievement cmagnificent
Published 2/2 analysis snaps! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!
+1880 XP -
9 years agoAnalysis cmagnificent
An Infographic Showing the Most Difficult Languages to Learn as a Native English Speaker.
Created using data from the Foreign Service Institute of the US Department of State, based on the average time it takes a native speaker to gain reading/speaking proficiency.
9 years ago
It's not that the site is banning objectionable content, it's explicitly banning racism and hate speech. Disagreement and divergence are fine. Even passionate and fiery disagreement is fine. What Snapzu will remove has been outlined as such (Copied from the TOS)
Threatening - Don't threaten people, you wouldn't threaten someone at your birthday party. Don't PM threats and don't post any type of threats in snaps / text posts or comments.
Harmful - Whatever you wouldn't do to yourself because your brain instinctively tells you "its bad", don't do to other people. Unless you're a psychopath, then, just, use the code that your father taught you on how not to hurt others.
Unlawful - Illegal stuff gets everyone in trouble, so lets not do illegal stuff. Don't post illegal downloads, music, pictures or anything else that would otherwise land you in jail if engaged in on another medium (like a bazaar).
Abusive - Don't partake in abusive behaviour either by yourself or in a group. No witch hunts, no bullying, no posting of personal information, anything that you would dread happening to you, DON'T do it to others.
Harassment - It's alright to have a heated discussion on whatever topic comes to mind, but don't continue to repetitively PM someone after they have given you obvious signs that they have concluded their discussion with you. By obvious we mean obvious, harassment will not be tolerated in any form.
Libellous - Don't post personal information, don't post defamatory content about other individuals. I'm sure everyone of us hates negative untrue rumors going around about ourselves, this is even worse.
It's not about free speech and censorship. It's about a group of people who want to build a community that is free from these things.
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9 years ago
Aw, shucks, you're gonna make me blush.
Posted in: Meaningless XP
9 years ago
Wait you're actually thinking about how your actions influence the broader community? Those bastards!
This must be stopped before I realize there's another human being with a life, mind and emotions on the other side of this screen I'm talking to!
Posted in: Meaningless XP
9 years ago
Upon examination of the OPs profile it would appear that he or she has not acclimated to the attitudes and culture of snapzu quite yet, particularly the positivity and extreme reluctance to use the downvote button.
Posted in: Meaningless XP
9 years agoAchievement cmagnificent
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!
+1880 XP -