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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement cmagnificent

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!

    +5580 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Level Up cmagnificent

    Level 10

    cmagnificent is now level 10 with 55,000 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    There's been some discussion of it over in ideas for Snapzu and elsewhere. There are some really good points as to why identifying where a down vote came from would be a bad reason as it opens the door for abusive of harassing PMs and the like and the down vote does have a legitimate function so it would be poor form to make people "afraid" of down voting something even if it's for a good reason.

    I'm still torn on the issue, but at the very least make it mandatory to specify a reason for the down vote. If there are a couple that indicate it's in the wrong tribe, then the poster knows how to fix it.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Well, compared to Nietzsche, particularly his take on the idea of Amor Fati, stoicism is in a certain aspect a detachment from a very specific part of life and that is painful or negative emotions. It's interesting because Marcus Aurelius who greatly admired the stoics also invented the term that Nietzsche would later use to categorize his own radical positivity; "Amor Fati".

    In Nietzsche's view, at least the view he expresses here, even negative, unwanted and profoundly painful emotions still fall under the realm of "necessary" and therefore beautiful. Nietzsche was not one to avoid negative and painful emotions, he was one to embrace them and accept them as a vital and vibrant part of life.

    I'll completely agree that in a way, stoicism does radically accept a lot of things, but compared the the kind of acceptance that Nietzsche outlined, it's a drop in the bucket.

    Regarding the looking away part, I think it would be best to not read that too deliberately. Here I would argue that Nietzsche is saying his only negation will be if he isn't actively looking at something- if you're watching the sunset, you're not looking at what's behind you and he wants that "looking away" to be his only negation. Not that he wants to consciously look away from things he doesn't like.

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    Posted in: Hi everyone! I'm ReV

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Well, just the fact that Marsha Lineham adopted the term "dialectical" to describe her methodology kind of proves to me that the old girl was reading or at least familiar with some philosophy so that's just an interesting aside.

    The reason I connect Nietzsche with radical acceptance really boils down to this quote from him -

    I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

    You don't get much more radically accept-y than that you know? And if you break down the quote even more there's a massive tension between this massive "pessimism" (I don't think it's very pessimistic at all, but many probably would) when he discusses the necessity of things. If you read the rest of Nietzsche's philosophy there was definitely a side of him that highly doubted how much control people have outside of external, social, biological, chemical and physical factors, so in a profound way we really don't run our own lives. The other side of this is a truly radical optimism and positive notion in Amor Fati (Latin- Love of Fate). That even what is ugly, painful, hurtful and miserable is still beautiful for no other reason than it is necessary.

    It's one of the most life-affirming things I've ever read. Not in the "you are awesome go out and conquer the world!" life affirming that's so in vogue, but actually life affirming as in "Life is fucking beautiful in all its facets, even the painful ones" affirming.

    I may or may not have spent way too much time thinking about this before...

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    Posted in: Hi everyone! I'm ReV

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    It's interesting that you would bring that up, and certainly there are many aspects of stoicism that would fall in line with a therapy designed to help regulate and control extreme and overwhelming emotional responses.

    Beyond that however, at least one aspect of DBT, radical acceptance, is about as far from philosophic stoicism as you can get. Stoicism advocates for an impartial, detached, almost zen-like perspective on the life we live while radical acceptance calls for its total embrace, which always struck me as profoundly Kierkegaardian and Nietzschean if nothing else. I remember when I did some DBT work some time back and we got to radical acceptance, especially accepting emotions as neither good nor bad but merely as they are and accepting that it is okay to feel very intense emotions my internal reaction was pretty much "So, Nietzsche. We're doing Nietzsche now. Okay, I can work with this!"

    show moreshow less

    Posted in: Hi everyone! I'm ReV

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Maybe it's just my experience with Mass Effect, but those changes didn't stop me from doing a renegade femshep run, which was almost criminally fun.

    I was thinking maybe an up vote arrow and red x for rules violations or out of place. Just include some kind of visual cue that "down voting" is not the opposite of "up voting" in its intended use really.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    CS:GO isn't exactly my cup of tea, but I think it would be awesome to have a weekly game for /t/gamers. Just make sure you let me know when CIV5 or EU4 makes the rotation.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Here's the thing on that, the email they have on record for me is correct and I've gone through the steps to try and verify my email address twice and I never got the confirmation email. I checked my spam/junk folder and it didn't get caught in the filter so, eh?

    Edit: I guess third time's the charm, but still, weird.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    This is in reference to the level avatars, that appear on your profile, not the avatars that appear next to your comments.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement cmagnificent

    Rock Star

    Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!

    +4825 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    As one of the new users I sincerely apologize for this. The main reason I chose snapzu over other potential sites was because of the positive atmosphere and the excellent community the veterans had built for us. For what little I can do, I'm trying to mitigate and educate on the differences that make snapzu special, but as massani said, some people just want to watch the world burn.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    The idea is being floated for mandatorily providing a reason for a down vote. Drunkenninja stated in an ideas for snapzu thread on the topic that they're looking to expand the functionality of "reason for down vote" dialogue and that they would have to have a long discussion about making it mandatory, but the idea is out there.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Okay fair enough. I realized I was kind of oversimplifying it as I was posting it. Do you feel that a mandatory reason of the down vote, with the reason remaining anonymous would fit the criteria of effective and least work to implement that satisfied the base concern?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    At which point they would be in violation of the site's policy against harassment or abusive language and would get banned. I would have no issue with the account publicly tied to the down vote and the reason for the down vote.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    The down vote exists so the community can deal with trolls/spammers and other extremely negative content they don't want to see on the site (hate speech, harassment, abuse, bullying etc), so the down vote serves a definitive purpose.

    The problem is there's been a massive cultural influx of people who are used to the down vote as an "I disagree, think this is stupid or don't want to see it" button. It's really only to be used for something that directly violates a particular tribe's rules or the site's policies.

    There's talk of altering the functionality of the down vote button, but for now the impetus is on the community at large to address down vote abuse. If you're the chief of or moderate some tribes it would be great to do a sticky about it or include something about the differences in down vote culture on the side bar.

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  • 9 years ago
    Level Up cmagnificent

    Level 9

    cmagnificent is now level 9 with 42,265 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    What are your feelings at this time on the possibility of a mandatory reason for the down vote? I mean if you're going to be expanding and implementing new functionality already, it seems like it would be an optimal time to do it.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    It seems to be buggy. I've only down voted once since I've been here and that was to a comment that was literally "OP is a phaggot" and a dialogue box didn't appear. I specified my reason in a comment however.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    There's a post on ideas for Snapzu that could address some of it.

    Beyond that, I honestly don't know, but it is very discouraging to see. The stickies are small and many users overlook them and the outlines of the etiquette and culture that existed before the influx aren't seeing the attention they deserve. For now our only option may be to discuss etiquette of the down vote when we see it being abused in a specific thread.

    With that in mind - Moderators and Chiefs, please remember to explain to your new tribe members the nature of down votes if you see it being used inappropriately in your tribe!

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    Flashbacks to Garden State. Maybe I'm a philistine for only knowing it through that soundtrack, but that's where I fell in love with it?

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    You're just very quick to welcome a lot of new people, I think you should be rewarded with a budget to give people welcome baskets.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    We should really give you a welcome basket budget...

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement cmagnificent

    Rapid Response

    Commented on 25/25 within 30 minutes of publication! Congratulations cmagnificent on this achievement!

    +4290 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment cmagnificent

    I heard about it from reddit and can be considered a reddit migrant, though I haven't completely left there yet. Some of the smaller communities are still way more active over there and until things really start to take off here I'll be balancing my time between the two.

    Things that I greatly enjoy about Snapzu

    1) The atmosphere of positivity. People are generally more respectful, civil even when disagreeing and don't get into lengthy flame wars.

    2) Cross tribe posting. So nice. So nice.

    3) I like the reputation system and general gamification of the whole process. I feel that it encourages people to be active and participate.