bitwise's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up bitwise

    Level 4

    bitwise is now level 4 with 6,330 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement bitwise

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations bitwise on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    I'm with you. My attempts to get active were usually hit-or-miss until I got a Charge HR and used it to track all my runs. Having that real-time tracking on hand lets you make informed decisions more often regarding calorie intake, quality of your exercise and whether or not you're keeping to your habits.

    I would seriously recommend a Fitbit to anyone, and everyone I know that has one feels the same (plural of anecdote isn't data, so maybe we're outliers).

  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    Maybe they're worried that people will attempt to use their platform for illicit purposes, and being unable to verify whether or not that content is not appropriate would leave them in a very bad position.

    I find it kind of irksome that people are immediately jumping towards this being a cultural or racially biased thing; I wouldn't jump onto a Japanese forum and complain that my English posts were being removed by moderators, especially if it was already in the rules.

  • 9 years ago
    Achievement bitwise

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations bitwise on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Level Up bitwise

    Level 3

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  • 9 years ago
    Achievement bitwise

    Red Eye Jedi

    Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations bitwise on this achievement!

    +1310 XP
  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    This is the ultimate test of usability. You need to make this API the tool you use for ALL of your interactions with the underlying server architecture. If you have a special set of tools whose utility outstrips that of your public-facing API, then you'll always have to replicate that work for the public sooner or later, and now you're supporting two APIs instead of one.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    Maybe people with the psychopathic tendencies that make them compelling leaders often suffer from a lack of empathy required to appreciate what they're taking from others for their own gain?

    They probably don't think very much about whom they're hurting, as long as it doesn't mess with the meal ticket.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up bitwise

    Level 2

    bitwise is now level 2 with 1,150 XP.

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    • Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 55.
  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    In the same way that reddit offers you the ability to unsubscribe from a lot of the "defaults", you could leave some of the default tribes, but that won't affect people that come here without accounts, or people that choose to keep the defaults.

    Often, the people who would be in a position to counteract the negativity or hostility of a community will choose not to fight that battle, because they can just leave and make their own tribe, with blackjack, and hookers. Hell, it usually doesn't take that much; people will often leave simply because of a difference of opinion. There's no opportunity cost for them to leave and form their own group, so they will. /t/<inserttribehere> will have a sister tribe called /t/real<inserttribehere> as soon as the first major spat happens.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    According to the other link that's been posted (article is here:, the crash happened as a result of several rounds of increasing restrictions on "trading on margin"; using borrowed money to ride the stock market. Apparently the restrictions were so well-enforced that it actually chopped growth off at the knees, and the market fell into free-fall.

    I'm not saying that regulation is bad (it's not), but they clearly went overboard in an attempt to curb their bubble-like growth, and ended up causing the same kind of market contraction they were trying to prevent. Of course, I would assume it's likely that the bust would've been far more dramatic if they had let the bubble find its natural end.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    Reddit's a decent news aggregator, and not much else.

    Even subreddits like /r/programming have more often than not become launchpads for people's blog posts and for shameless corporate plugs of development tools, cloud providers, and other "next big thing" startups. I get that blog posts are a big part of the discussion of programming in general, but more often than not, it's people sharing boilerplate opinions on pages loaded to the gills with advertisements. If you want to post your opinion for the community to read and/or critique, why not, instead of linking to your blog?

    I think what I like most about Snapzu so far is that people still seem more interested in keeping the opinion-based posting on-site, and provide relevant links to content only when it's out of their control. It gives me the impression that the participants don't have some financial motive; they're in it for the community. Naturally, my main worry now is that as this site gets more popular (I really do believe this site has much more potential than Voat and other "reddit-likes"), the influx of new users will pollute the idea of community and quality for cheap laughs and cheap thrills.

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment bitwise

    The problem is these large companies need to keep these UI/UX experts on the payroll, and constantly refreshing their look is a big part of that. People also want systems that look fresh; in the same way that fashion trends change, or follow a large cycle, UI is frequently refreshed to keep a current aesthetic, because customers can and do care about aesthetically pleasing products.

    Video games are a great example: better graphics have often come at the expense of story length and gameplay, but people still flock to current looking games, even when games with superior mechanics and inferior graphics are available. Mobile gaming is only an exception because the tradeoffs are too large for most people, and I have a feeling that will change as mobile hardware continues to do more with less.

    As long as the usability tradeoff isn't too large for the majority of customers, they'll keep making that trade.

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