  • bitwise

    In the same way that reddit offers you the ability to unsubscribe from a lot of the "defaults", you could leave some of the default tribes, but that won't affect people that come here without accounts, or people that choose to keep the defaults.

    Often, the people who would be in a position to counteract the negativity or hostility of a community will choose not to fight that battle, because they can just leave and make their own tribe, with blackjack, and hookers. Hell, it usually doesn't take that much; people will often leave simply because of a difference of opinion. There's no opportunity cost for them to leave and form their own group, so they will. /t/<inserttribehere> will have a sister tribe called /t/real<inserttribehere> as soon as the first major spat happens.

    • spaceghoti

      The cross-pollination between tribes makes it a little less isolated than on reddit, though. Since you can (at higher levels) post up to five different tribes at the same time based on topic you're likely to end up contributing to tribes you don't have listed as default. I'm not subscribed to /t/kids but I end up posting some content to that tribe because it becomes relevant to some of my topics.