Post Overview
9 years ago+24 24 0Join /t/landscapes a tribe for awesome Nature pics
9 years ago+25 25 0Crypt Lake, Canada
The Crypt Lake hike is one of the most unique hikes you'll ever encounter. In 2014 National Geographic rated this hike as one of the World's 20 Most Thrilling Trails!
11 years ago+26 26 0Sony's Oculus Rift competitor could be coming this month
Sony is widely rumored to be working on a virtual reality headset to compete with the Oculus Rift, and the truth could be revealed quite soon. Sony has just revealed it will host a new session at...
11 years ago+10 11 1Inside Google’s Data Centers
Google takes us inside their data centers, shows you where the internet lives
11 years ago+27 27 0How Wikipedia would look in Modern Web-Design
While big parts of the internet have gone through an amazing journey in terms of typography these last years, Wikipedia’s reading experience is still stuck in the 90’s. We wanted to take a few days and propose a direction through which Wikipedia coul ...
11 years ago+18 18 0The Abandoned Remains of the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas, that was set to be the world's largest and most energetic. In 1993 the project was cancelled due to budget probl ...
11 years ago+41 41 0 x 1The 400-year-old Bonsai that survived the Hiroshima Bombing
The Japanese White Pine bonsai sometimes known as Hiroshima Survivor, on display at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the United States National Arboretum. It has been in training since 1625. and it survived the atomic blast in Hiroshima on ...
Text Post
11 years ago+9 9 0/t/newtribes - A place to share and find new tribes
/t/newtribes was created to let members promote their new tribes and find new tribes that might interest them. Go check it out.
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11 years ago+5 5 0/t/scenery - High definition pics of Sceneries
Join us at /t/scenery for quality photography of Sceneries.
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11 years ago+5 5 0/t/landscapes - High definition pics of Nature
Join us at /t/landscapes for quality photography of Nature Landscapes.
11 years ago+23 23 0What was the last movie you saw?
What movie did you most recently watched?
11 years ago+48 49 1 x 2Fukushima Railway Bridge, Japan
On an early summer morning, Teruo Araya captured this image of a train on Japan Rail's Tadami line as it passed through Fukushima Prefecture. "The haze generated by the river created a fantasy world," as the train crossed the railway b ...
11 years ago+37 37 0 x 1Stuntman Damien Walters runs a Loop
Damien Walters, a free running stuntman has accepted the challenge of running loop the loop on foot.
11 years ago+13 13 0Mom tricks kid into smashing an egg on his head
So this Mother pranked her son into smashing an egg on his head while recording, just for the fun of it.
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11 years ago+6 6 0Claiming/Creating tribes at Level 1
Hey, I joined snapzu just today and I really like the website but I see that any new user can create or claim a tribe, wouldn't this end on a lot of tribes being moderated by inactive users?
11 years ago+2 2 0Aulani, Disney Resort & Spa in Hawaii
A wide view of one of the best resorts in the world.
11 years ago+20 20 0 x 1Adirondack Mountains, New York
The Adirondack Mountains are an unusual geological formation located in the northeastern lobe of Upstate New York in the United States. -Wikipedia
11 years ago+8 8 0Do we need to disguise ourselves to get closer?
Pro Infirmis conducts an experiment: there are only a few people who don`t have empathy with disabled people. Nevertheless, the passenger seat in the public bus next to Fabian often stays empty. Handicapped people are a regular part of our society.