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Published 11 years ago by Slyken with 13 Comments

The 400-year-old Bonsai that survived the Hiroshima Bombing

The Japanese White Pine bonsai sometimes known as Hiroshima Survivor, on display at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the United States National Arboretum. It has been in training since 1625. and it survived the atomic blast in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and was donated by Masaru Yamaki.


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  • drunkenninja

    Love Bonsai trees! Can't seem to take care of them though.. always over water or underwater and kill them.. tried having 2.. now ill just look at them on the internet...

    • Slyken

      I love Bonsai trees too, I bought one about a year ago and it's still alive (I think) but I'm better at looking at them online.

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