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Published 11 years ago by Slyken with 22 Comments

What was the last movie you saw?

What movie did you most recently watched?

  • For me was The Wolf of Wallstreet

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  • cy78

    I went ahead and watched an oldie but a goodie: The Prestige

    • Slyken

      I love that movie, great story and a huge plot twist, and it's about illusionism which is a great theme.

      • cy78

        The cast and crew did an amazing job. Any movie that has Nicola Tesla in it, deserves to be watched!

  • darvinhg

    This Is The End. I wasn't expecting such a mess.

    • Slyken

      I definitely have to watch that movie.

    • picklefingers

      I honestly can't really tell if I loved that movie or hated it. It was a shitty movie really, but one of the funniest movies I've seen.

  • drunkenninja (edited 11 years ago)

    Most recent movie I have seen was ugh.. Ender's Game. I was not impressed.


    I went ahead and added a RL for my comment. Would be good if everyone else that replied also added a RL if it hasnt been added before. This should make for easy browsing of all the movies. Hope that's ok with OP!

    • Slyken

      I've been wanting to see that movie, but the translation they did of the title in my country isn't much appealing, they called it "This is not a Game - The Final Game". So yeah.

      • drunkenninja

        Pretty much ruining the whole twist to the plot in the process. Idiots.

        • Slyken

          Ender's Game is so good as it is, why did they have to ruin it.

    • Slyken

      Yup, fine with me, great idea btw.

  • snappy

    The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

    We were not amused.

    • ventrical

      Yeah that movie didn't go down well for me either. At the end when I stood up, my knee cracked, and I felt like I was going to throw up. Now I'm not sure if it was from the excruciating pain I went through from my knee cap snapping like a twig, or if it was because of how bad the movie was.

  • idlethreat

    The Hobbit. Yeah, I'm behind the curve.

    I was terribly bothered that Legolas's eyebrows never moved during the entire movie. I think his eyebrows were CGI'd in after all the scenes were done.

    • jackthetripper

      It was a bit too long. I had to split it into 2 different sessions, just like the other LOTR movies.

  • Lagz

    Insidious chapter 3

  • Outset

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II

    It was on TV during New Years Day. I don't usually watch movies these days because I no longer find enjoyment in them, but I kinda wanted to watch the final instalment before that.

    Before that, it was either Rock of Ages or American Pie: The Reunion, whichever came out last.

  • Wargasm809 (edited 11 years ago)

    Tucker & Dale vs Evil

    Great Movie!

    • drunkenninja

      Slap it into the RL area, so we can vote on it. I personally like it, great comedy/horror.

  • Splitfish

    Jack reacher lol, not bad but not really great either.

  • VenStroto90

    Gintama: The Movie: The Final Chapter: Be Forever Yorozuya, great movie.

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