Jack's feed

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    If you can't find the source, you shouldn't post it.

    And yes, it is time consuming, when you do stuff the right way it usually is.

    That does not sound like social media to me.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    OK, that is a lot less onerous than what I thought you were asking for. Most of the snaps I thought were violations of your preference actually do have attributions on the source page.

    What about situations such as the one I describe here?

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Question Jack

    Sources & Image attribution

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Is this the kind of thing you are wanting?

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Image Jack


    Gallery of cloud photos

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    AFAIK there is no legal risk if you remove the content when asked. It has happened to me on pintrest perhaps a half dozen times.

    When convenient I attribute, but if I followed your guidelines 99.9% of the content I have submitted over the years would not have been submitted due to time and other constraints. I certainly wouldn't participate in as many social media sites as I do, the newest of which being snapzu. Certainly I would have nowhere near as many snapzu XP points as I do.

    The snaps I have had added to the Snapzine have unattributed images, as an example. Few of the other images there have attributions, including the image for your snapzined contribution here. It seems prohibitively time consumptive to attribute every image.

    show moreshow less

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack


    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    For my part I fully admit to sensational, editorialized titles and unattributed images. I assume that is simply a matter of preference or interpretation (like NSFW), but I am not out to break peoples rules or ruin their experiences.

    I assume from my reading of the FAQ that policies are intentionally vague in such regards.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    I for my part would like some clarification that "lackluster content" not include sensational titles or unattributed images.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Thanks, I had never seen that before.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Are those on the current main page grid view?

    I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Doesn't it vary based on tribe membership?

    If not what does the tribe membership mean?

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    I understand the perspective, and I laud your for your attributions. I am not a believer in intellectual property however, and feel strongly compelled to share not only my own views but those of others as well.

    I often explain it this way: If you had never heard Bach in your life, and I play you a pirated song on my MP3 player, should you thank me for sharing or scold me for not attributing / compensating? Who is more deserving of your gratitude or scorn, me, the manufacturer of the MP3 player, the musician who played the song, the pirate who uploaded it, the record label who owns the rights to that version of the song, or Bach himself?

    Am I wrong to share? I certainly don't think so, but I do praise those who (like yourself) make it easier to find the origin of a given view.

    show moreshow less

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    "As for the homepage here, it is more like Reddit's homepage for logged out users (not tailored) than StumbleUpon's (tailored). Your "home feed" (the home icon) here is more like StumbleUpon, tailored based on people you follow or tribes you follow (you can switch between the two and even add your own filters)."

    Yes, that was what I was saying, amongst other things.

    Regarding sourced images, I am aware they exist, but they seem very rare. Most of what you link to are from a couple of users. Go over the gridview and see how many you don't find.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Have a look at the grid view on the main page. Perhaps your tribes are different from mine, but I only found a couple of snaps with sources listed for images, and they were both you and Nick.

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Achievement Jack

    Red Eye Jedi

    Viewed 150/150 snaps! Congratulations Jack on this achievement!

    +11290 XP
  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    ...seems like google itself might need to be added to that list ;)

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Seems like this policy change might be bad for r/photoplunder, but I doubt there will be much of any other impact.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Each submission here has a title and a photo. Submissions without a photo can never make the front page. No snaps I have seen mention the photographer of the image they are advertised with here, and if the wording of the snap descriptor (or the image) does not catch the interest of a viewer they will not click, upvote or discuss.

    You have a different spin to be sure, but the website we know each other from (SU) is less about clickbait and sensational titles and more about content tailored to your preferences by people of your choosing. More like the home page here, and less like the grid view (which I argue lends itself to clickbait and sensational titles, and not in a bad way).

    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    I like sensational titles and clickbait. If you think about it snapzu is specifically designed for such things, advertising a given submission via an image and a short phrase.

    I hate the mainstream media because of the message it sends, and the content it offers, not because of the way they advertise.

    You have worked in advertising, haven't you? How did you go about that without sensationalism?


    Posted in: Downvotes

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    Is the Islamic State the latest destination for runaway teens?

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    People talk about food shortages and overpopulation, and I think of solutions like this.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    American is fast becoming unamerican.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    What a terrible decision on the part of reddit, they seem eager to make their site go the way of Digg and something awful.

    Maybe snapzu can fill the gap, what are the policies for nude photo submissions here? ;)

    In theory this policy change would shut down 99% + of the porn submissions to reddit, but in reality things continue as usual to to the inconvenience of enforcing such a policy.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Jack

    That is one view, one could argue that a sensational title does not fit any of the downvote criteria, or that the CIA was indeed intending to mislead the IAEA regardless of the opinions of a given redditor. This post is not about any specific submission however, but the community standards for up and downvotes generally. I gave the two links above in order to lead others to previous discussion on the topic in the respective comments, as opposed to debating the merits of the given submissions.

    I go out of my way to craft sensational titles and imagery for content, so if that were an accepted criteria I would expect far more downvotes!

    Posted in: Downvotes