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8 years ago+29 29 0EU Releases Its First Invasive Species Blacklist
Gray squirrels, raccoons and crayfish were among the prohibited species
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8 years ago+15 15 0What's your favorite country or state anthem?
Going to be predictably biased here, but my vote is for the South Carolina state song, "Carolina!". On top of being a genuinely beautiful song, it also to me speaks powerfully about the history of South Carolina as a state (ex. "Eutaw's battle bed" referencing the Battle of Eutaw Springs), and how that has affected our current sense of pride for being South Carolinians (ex. "they shall not touch thy noble heart").
So what's you all's favorites? You can of course also name official songs for provinces/prefectures/etc.
8 years ago+16 16 0Dive into a Pool of Sprinkles at the Museum of Ice Cream in New York
Grab your spoons—this delicious popup will melt in a month
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8 years ago+8 8 0What's your favorite gif?
(Totally not asking this just so that I can have an excuse to use my own favorite gif or anything, no way!)
8 years ago+15 15 0Spring is here!
Which means that the flowers are blooming! What all have you all seen in YOUR backyards growing?
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9 years ago+10 10 0What is something that is a want today, but that you could easily see becoming a near-necessity in the future?
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9 years ago+17 17 0At this exact moment, what is the most extreme thing you would do for a Klondike Bar?
Or, if you have something against Klondike Bars, then you can substitute them with your favorite ice cream. :)
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9 years ago+13 13 0What's the stickiest situation you've ever been in, and how did you get out of it?
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9 years ago+14 14 0What's the most dangerous thing you've witnessed someone do?
9 years ago+14 14 0Cardiologist Takes Painting & Poetry To Heart
Deconstruction and then reconstruction — that process comes into play whether you’re making a medical diagnosis, putting oil paint on canvas, or writing poetry.
9 years ago+18 18 0Perfect Circles: Why We Can Spot Them, But Can’t Draw Them
A simple shape? Far from it.
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9 years ago+18 18 0What has brightened your day today?
Or, if nothing stands out for today, what's something that's made you happy recently, even if it was something small?
Mine came with a huge sigh of relief: I have a final exam in math on Wednesday, so today I calculated the lowest grade I could possibly make on it and still pass the class. Failing would require me to make a -13 or lower; I literally can't fail!
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9 years ago+21 21 0What hobby or interest has been keeping you busy recently?
Painting, music, meditating? Everyone's got something they do for fun!
For me, it's definitely video games (as usual). I'm actually playing the 3DS version of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers right now, and am just checking social media before a boss fight, haha.
9 years ago+27 27 0Pipevine Swallowtail [OC]
9 years ago+3 3 0First Non-Japanese Shinto Priest Rev. Koichi Barrish Discusses his Faith
In this interview with Susan Barber, Rev. Koichi Barrish discusses being the first non-Japanese Shinto priest and many beliefs of the Shinto faith.
9 years ago+19 19 0Japan: The Most Religious Atheist Country
How can one country be simultaneously so atheistic and so religious? The complicated case of Japan's religious views.
9 years ago+20 20 0Japanese Art and Folklore: Tengu and World of Spirits in the Art of Kawanabe Kyosai
The role of yōkai, or spirits, in Japanese art and folklore.
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9 years ago+6 6 0/t/shinto - A tribe about the Shintō religion
/t/shinto is a place to discuss and learn about Shintō, the native religion of Japan. Whether a follower or just curious, everyone is welcome here!
9 years ago+21 21 0Shintō in America: Tsubaki Grand Shrine
Tsubaki America was the 1st Shrine to be built on North American soil.
9 years ago+17 17 0Basic features of Shintō shrines
The jinja, or shrine, is where believers in Japan's indigenous religion, Shintō, go to worship.