
What hobby or interest has been keeping you busy recently?

Painting, music, meditating? Everyone's got something they do for fun!

For me, it's definitely video games (as usual). I'm actually playing the 3DS version of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers right now, and am just checking social media before a boss fight, haha.

9 years ago by IridescentOak with 13 comments

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  • SuperCyan

    I've been into guitar for the past 10 months.

    Sucking at guitar is really fun. Every solo is a new challenge. Each chorus is a chance to feel the resonant vibration of each chord you strum. When you finally nail a part you've been working on forever, it's the greatest feeling ever. A month ago you were a lot worse. Two months ago, you were even worse. You're constantly getting better, even if it's a slight improvement, and each accomplishment drives you to take on the next part of the song. You start out barely holding the guitar, then a little bit later, you're moving both hands at the same time and following along to a song without really thinking about it.

    • FivesandSevens

      It's pretty much the same (for me) after 30 years; always another challenge, always a new reward just around the corner. Lots to look forward to!

  • CrookedTale

    I will be hitting the sewing hard the next couple of months. My wife and one of our friends want a jacket for the festival season so I have to knuckle down and get it done. Luckily I found a nice black/black brocade print material that was about $35 a yard during a sale. It was half off and then another 25% of with digital coupon which I downloaded at the store. So I bout 10 yards for $130 (reg. $350.00). So so far my quest to bring down costuming costs is going well.

  • Qukatt

    as always; crochet :D and gaming

    • IridescentOak

      I think we'd get along, haha. I just started a new scarf, myself!

      • Qukatt

        I'm trying to decide on a colour scheme for a bedspread. sooo uninspired right now.

  • Chubros

    Rocket League. So fun.

    • drunkenninja

      Great little game to burn a few minutes here and there. Been playing it on the PS4 ever since it was a free download on PS+.

    • imokruok

      <3 Rocket League!

  • jenjen1352

    Segmation (computer painting by numbers) and mentally interior decorating my house.

  • ir0nfire

    I've been programming again! School projects have killed my love for it with all these mundane boring projects, but being able to do fun things again has sparked my passion again.

    • PotatoGenius

      What language(s) are you using? I'm curious because I use Python and am learning C, but I'm only intermediate at py and know very little about C.

  • FivesandSevens

    Conquering a couple of my guitar "Everests" and researching the history of shoemaking and cobblers. And theorising about the next Star Wars!