
What has brightened your day today?

Or, if nothing stands out for today, what's something that's made you happy recently, even if it was something small?

Mine came with a huge sigh of relief: I have a final exam in math on Wednesday, so today I calculated the lowest grade I could possibly make on it and still pass the class. Failing would require me to make a -13 or lower; I literally can't fail!

9 years ago by IridescentOak with 4 comments

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  • LacquerCritic

    I just found out due to some tax errors and voodoo that I may be getting a bit of a windfall back from the government - it would potentially be enough to pay off all my credit card debt. I'm not going to get truly excited until I have a cheque in hand, but still, I am a little hopeful.

  • ubthejudge

    My weekend is typically Monday/Tuesday (instead of Sat/Sun) so it's nice that it started today. BUT it's always hard to find people to hang/go out with.

  • jenjen1352

    My son not waking me when he got home from school. Ahh.