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Published 8 years ago by Cobbydaler with 43 Comments

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Conversation 19 comments by 6 users
  • idlethreat (edited 8 years ago)

    Like any truly human endeavor, Christianity (as well as religion in general) have both helped and harmed humanity in countless ways. Religion has provided artists a marvelous canvas for inspiration. Who can forget the Sistine Chapel? David in marble? These are incredible works of art. Its the same religion which butchered countless people in Inquisitions spanning thousands of years.

    Regardless of how the Kim Davis situation will eventually land, she, personally, has a problem with homosexuality. Wether she admits it or not, her actions speak louder than words. Instead of standing on her own two feet and accepting the backlash personally she has run to religion to deflect the backlash. I feel that if she was half the christian she believed herself to be she would have simply confirmed the legality of the SCOTUS ruling, and then do her job be following the laws of the land as her religion demands (detailed in Mark 12:17).

    • racerxonclar

      Like any truly human endeavor, Christianity (as well as religion in general) have both helped and harmed humanity in countless ways.

      I don't think it's far to automatically give the religions the credit for good things being done. People are completely capable of being total atheists and doing amazing things. In many ways, I feel like religion steals thunder away from us that actually did the stuff. Even within Christianity, the trope reappears... people thanking God and praising God because a random dude felt compelled to help out. Thank the dude, not the religion.

      As far as the good vs bad, it varies on religion. Some religions have added a lot of good, some have broke even, and some have contributed very little on a broad scale. And considering power corrupts...any organized religion runs the risk of what /u/kdawson's talking about.

      • idlethreat (edited 8 years ago)

        People are completely capable of being total atheists and doing amazing things.

        I agree. Completely. I'm not discussing that. Historically, religion has inspired poets, artists, musicians, and countless others in different ways. Those actions were performed by humans, and inspired by their religion.

        Could they have done it without religion? without a doubt. But they didn't.

        Honestly, I probably should have self-edited that first paragraph. I was noodling around and wasn't sure where the point was going to end up.

        • racerxonclar

          Fair enough. You were looking at it from a completely artistic standpoint where I was looking at it from a bit more of a moral/goodwill standpoint :)

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • Gracey

    I use to tell my fundamentalist mother the following when she tried to thump me with her bible... "Religion is like a penis. It is great you have one, and terrific that you are all excited about it and proud of it... however, it is rude to try to shove it down people's throats."

  • kdawson

    The church has been power hungry and seeking domination ever since the apostles. It has always been a destructive force in the history of man and is the curse of humanity.

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • imokruok

    Victims of the radicalized christian right deserve restitution.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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  • imokruok

    thanks for the snap /u/Cobbydaler ;; This comment thread certainly provides a space for some really productive dialog(s).

  • [Deleted Profile]

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