kdawson's feed

  • 7 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    For some reason I'd never thought of that. I think you may be right.

  • 7 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    Years and years ago I worked with a man who had been a 'spook' during WWII. He was disgusted by the A-Bomb droppings, said there was no need for it and it was just revenge. Later I read that the Japanese had thousands of fresh troops stationed in China that could be quickly moved to Japan to repel an Allied invasion which called for a great display of power. Which is true? I don't know.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    Living is a risk.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    I disagree completely. In the U.S. we are suffering a deadly plague of stupid and I don't know if we'll survive it. I'm sure that meritocracy in imperfect but it must be better than the current coterie of fools.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    As everyone is falling over themselves weeping over the dead officers I wonder just how stupid it is to have not seen this coming. And the police refuse to admit that their own actions are ever at fault and, indeed, promising to increase their military style law enforcement (to a large extent the very thing that is getting them shot) so the shooting will continue. Nervous, defensive officers will kill more innocent people and the public will be enraged to the extent that some desperate, horrified people will decide that the only thing they can do is fight back. The sad thing is that I think they are right. The white power structure will not and have ever listened to reason (just ask native Americans). It seems that all that will sway them is fear. I think the Black Panthers deserve more credit for the success of the Civil Rights bill. They scared the man and got listened to.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    Nothing is either/or. Everything is an intertwined complexity from various sources with various input. Simplicity and the human mind have nothing in common.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    The weakness in our society are the self righteous, judgemental 'good people' who think they can tell everyone else how to act.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    I like Mr. Obama but I completely disagree. Under the slight veneer of equality applied following the civil rights era I think racism had continued as always and, perhaps, deepened. It is ingrained into the psyche and institutions of the nations to the extent that I don't believe you can avoid being, at least to some extent, racist. We must remember that this nation was founded by white supremacists as were all its institutions - legal, scientific, academic, social and law enforcement. I consider myself something of a miracle as I was raised as a white man in the pre-civil rights, Jim Crow south by a working class, uneducated white family that taught me to hate racism. Yet I have, simply from the society I lived in, survivals of hatred I wish could be scrubbed out of my brain. Such things as a carp is a 'nigger bass' or doing a shoddy job is 'nigger rigging' it. This is from the world we grew up in and it's stain will persist especially as long as so many insist it doesn't exist.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment kdawson

    My opinion is exactly the opposite. I think the country is having a love affair with stupid.

    Posted in: The War on Stupid People