Post Overview
Current Event
7 years ago+34 34 0 x 1United States to Miss World Cup After Loss in Trinidad and Tobago
The stunning defeat, combined with wins by Honduras and Panama, meant the U.S. will not participate in the Cup finals for the first time since 1986.
Current Event
7 years ago+51 51 0 x 1A new t-shirt sewing robot can make as many shirts per hour as 17 factory workers
The technology took years to develop, and now a Chinese firm is using it in a massive new US factory that will churn out 1.2 million t-shirts per year.
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Text Post
7 years ago+8 8 0Who's watching (or has watched already) today's solar eclipse?
Text Post
7 years ago+10 10 0Do you let your pets sleep on your bed?
If not, why?
7 years ago+23 23 0The biggest 4K TV you can buy makes your 100-inch TV looks like a baby monitor
If you want a truly massive 4K TV in your house — and you have a nearly limitless budget to make it happen — there’s only one option for you: the C Seed 262.
Current Event
7 years ago+37 37 0 x 1NASA Can't Explain What Made This Strange, Deep Hole on Mars
You'd think NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has seen everything there is to see on the Martian surface in the 11 years it's orbited our nearest neighbour, but a snapshot taken over the planet's South Pole has revealed som ...
Current Event
8 years ago+22 22 0Facebook Messenger launches Instant Games
Bored while you wait for someone to text back? Now you can challenge friends for high scores on Facebook Messenger’s new Instant Games, like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Words With Friends Frenzy. Available right from your message threads, they load ...
Text Post
8 years ago+28 28 0Dog lovers of Snapzu, what is your favorite breed of dog?
Current Event
8 years ago+44 44 0 x 1Reddit will let brands sponsor posts from regular users
Reddit has a bold plan to earn more advertising revenue and it involves letting big name brands sponsor the posts of regular users. The ad program, which is slated to go live on August 4th, is part of a renewed effort from co-founder and CEO Steve Hu ...
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8 years ago+16 16 0What was your "million dollar idea" before you found out it already existed?
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8 years ago+15 15 0Where do you stand on marijuana legalization?
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8 years ago+31 31 0What are some things that annoy you in modern website design and UX?
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8 years ago+35 35 0What's in existence today because "one person had to go ruin it for the rest of us"?
Text Post
8 years ago+14 14 0What do you say when someone knocks on your bathroom stall door?
Text Post
8 years ago+34 34 0What little things do most people overly exaggerate about?
Current Event
8 years ago+42 42 0 x 1Canada's tundra is turning green — and its Boreal forest brown — NASA study finds
Using NASA's Landsat satellites, researchers conducted the most precise study yet on vegetation growth trends across North America.
Current Event
8 years ago+39 39 0 x 1Reddit begins trialling affiliate links across the site
Reddit has announced plans to rewrite links across the site to add affiliate referrals. Reddit said the affiliate URLs will credit the site with the referral to approximately 5,000 merchants, excluding Amazon, and this will only happen in cases where ...
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8 years ago+23 23 0What's the last thing you've done for the first time?
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8 years ago+15 15 0What's much funner at night than in the daytime?
Text Post
8 years ago+19 19 0What is something that 99% of the world's population agrees on?