
What little things do most people overly exaggerate about?

8 years ago by 90boss with 12 comments

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  • picklefingers

    How bad some fast food places are. Sure, it's not fine dining. But when people say they get physically sick after eating a Big Mac, then they may need to see a doctor.

    • sugartoad

      There are some people that have a reaction to some foods, but generally most should be able to digest a big mac!

  • jackthetripper

    Most parents exaggerate how cute their kids are. Seriously people, every baby is almost just as cute as the next, including yours.

    • Bastou

      Actually, some babies are quite ugly. In fact, I find most babies to be ugly for the first few days, then most of them get cute.

      I certainly tought so about the two of mine. They're pretty now, just as much as many others.

  • Chubros

    Almost everyone that uses facebook inadvertently exaggerates how good their lives are since all the pics people ever post on there are happy time and interesting places. Seriously it almost becomes a giant circle jerk of depression where people think their lives suck because of how they see other's fake lives on facebook and comparing.

  • Nelson

    People not using their blinkers. Yeah I mean it helps to know that person is taking a turn, but many times its obvious. The are exceptions when it becomes dangerous, but 99 times out of 100 it's not.

    • sugartoad

      I couldn't disagree more. People that don't use blinkers are inconsiderate assholes. Period.

  • Bastou

    Their proficiency in a foreign language.

    • picklefingers

      What are you talking about. I am so fluento in spanish.

      • sugartoad

        Well, I have a masters in Swahili, I can basically teach it!