
What's in existence today because "one person had to go ruin it for the rest of us"?

8 years ago by 90boss with 7 comments

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  • junglman

    TSA checkpoints because of morons like that shoe bomber piece of shit.

  • spacepopper

    Obvious labels/warning signs because some moron decided to stick their tongue into a toaster or eat detergent.

  • SuperCyan

    Microsoft used to offer unlimited OneDrive storage, but a person decided to upload 75TB of stuff to the cloud. Now, there's a limit.

  • rti9

    The "This American LIfe" podcast has an episode about that.

  • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

    The "War on terror." Cause everyone was ignoring the cold war. They have to keep the ant hill stirred up so they can waste money.

  • OL44893

    Multiple safety seals on everything (1982 Tylenol crisis).