
What's much funner at night than in the daytime?

8 years ago by 90boss with 7 comments

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  • CrookedTale

    Graveyards and old houses!! and Moon Viewing Parties!

  • IridescentOak (edited 8 years ago)

    Working in the kitchen, chopping lettuce, swabbing the bathroom, and BURNING YOUR HAND! wouldn't really be the same if it weren't...at night. ;)

    For a non-memey answer, though: Driving down familiar roads. It's just so calming! ...Excluding the part where herds of deer randomly decide to almost kill you, of course. :p

  • Bastou

    Parties. I suppose everything is funnier when we're tired and/or drunk, and it seems more socially acceptable to be drunk later in the day, for whatever reason.

  • drunkenninja (edited 8 years ago)

    Sitting by a camp fire at night and glaring into those flames is much better at night! Playing hide and seek. Ugh, and for the criminals out there... burgling is most likely "slightly funner" at night :D

  • Yamadori

    Swimming in the ocean, bonfires, and going to a live sporting event - to name a few.