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Published 7 years ago by 90boss with 7 Comments

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  • RippleNipple (edited 7 years ago)

    $539,000 and you have to pay over $30,000 for it to be installed? .... I'll take 3

    • Appaloosa

      If you get 3, the third installation cost is just half price. I admire your shopping skills.

      • TentativePrince

        I'll take 2 just for my bathrooms, but only if there's only one shipping and handling fee.

  • SteveRoy

    3840 pixels wide / 19 feet wide = 3.5 pixels per inch.

    I really don't think it's actually meant to be in a home, even a mansion. The side of a building or stadium seems more appropriate.

    • drunkenninja

      I did some quick math here, I hope it's correct but with a total pixel count (based on resolution) of 7,028,736 divided by a rough total surface area of 63,119 inches, the pixels per inch I got was around 111.

      • SteveRoy (edited 7 years ago)

        PPI done by distance, not area. But my math is wrong in the other post.

        They said 4K. I'm assume the more typical UHD of 3840px wide, not actual 4K of 4096px. They also said 19 feet. Thats 3840 / ( 19x12 ) = 16.8ppi not 3.5. If ppi squared makes more sense to you, ( 3840 / ( 19x12 ) ) ^2 = 283.7ppsi

        According to this calculator you would have to be more than 15 feet away to not see the pixels. Ideally more than 26 feet. So maybe I was wrong. If you have a mansion with a real theater, this could totally work.

        • drunkenninja

          Ok, this makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the breakdown.

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